What's more important, hitting or not getting hit?

snake is the only one with a brain

simple NOT GETTING HIT if u can do that u can build offense

of course its not that easy or infallible, but not entirely out of the question either–i never said it was a 100% thing. mixups, untechable knockdowns, resets, dizzies, frame traps, vortexes, etc give you the chance to stay on the offence, but it is not always a guaranteed chance. a lot of “perfects” are obtained by staying in offensive control and often by landing a dizzy. of course it would be quite ridiculous to ever expect a perfect round, but it is not uncommon.

you are right though, that in ssf4 offensive and defensive roles often switch, especially due to reversals and ultras.

i also agree that defense is very important, especially in ssf4, where zoning and footsies play a large role (both fairly defensive playstyles).

“My offense” only exists because of “my opponents defense” and vice versa. My offense is only “good” because his defense is “bad”, his defense is bad because my offense is good, etc… They exist only in relativity. Therefore, whichever one is more effective in any given match is more important.

Seriously though, it’s offense. LOOK AT THE DAMAGE!