What's more important: Balance or Uniqueness? What are the pros/cons of favoring each?

Chess is interesting because as black forcing a draw is a solid outcome. A lot of high level chess games end in draws actually.

Just kind of neat how matchups play out in different systems.

Even then, some will claim that white has an advantage over black.

Way to think outside the box. If only all game developers shared the same optimism you do.

I honestly thought this was a troll post because the OP was trolling in other threads but you guys are taking it serious.

I’d rather have diversity but with an asterisk*.

*I.E. My gimmicks can counter your gimmicks. Example: Urien vs Chun. Chun is retarded but all Urien needs is that one setup and he has her. Same with Dudley, he just needs to get in on her and then mixups begin.

Online Akuma beats Urien with spinkicks. That’s a gimmick for you @Louiscipher. :stuck_out_tongue:

Weird thing with online Akuma’s, Alex’s HK Air Knee Smash rapes them at the start of the round. I don’t know why but most of them jump at the start of the round. Just like Ryu’s open the round with a Donkey Kick or Tatsu.

Funny you bring up Ryu… Few days ago I played one that kept doing spin kicks for no reason… and I just DP’d… Needless to say, he RQ’d and sent me a message calling me cheap…

It wouldn’t be the internet if someone didn’t rage.

I believe that developers should at least make an effort to achieve some sort of balance but come on now, perfect balance is never going to happen. You could make a fighting game with two characters and any attempt to make them unique would end up with one being better than the other.

This isn’t me lacking “optimism”, especially since “perfect balance” isn’t even that great of a thing to chase after, anyway. This is why no one is taking this thread seriously, because perfect balance in a fighting game is not and should never be some sort of Holy Grail for a dev team.

I really hate this stupid mentality that some of you have, there is nothing wrong on the developers trying to achieve balance, hell is for that very reason why we end having revisions of the games (besides the obvious economic ones)

Why is that so many of you think that having/trying to have a balanced game is a bad thing is beyond me.

It’s extremely difficult to create a game where every character is both unique and the matchup against every other character is roughly 5-5.
Of course we want to get as close as possible, and the inclusion of one doesn’t exclude the other, but most of the time the “easy way out” for developers to balance their game is to make characters very similar or give them very similar tools. A balanced game is awesome but I don’t want to play a game where no characters have any unique tools

Again, i have to see a game where every character has similar tools, like i said, not even the shoto clones are really similar despite sharing a good amount of their tool set, you say that making similar characters with similar tool set is the easy way out for the developers yet i have not seen this mythical game where this has happened yet, and no sharing common mechanics like the focus attack is not making them similar specially when every character has a different normal for it, for example.

Another problem here is this tantrum that some like to throw that Balance is overrated or that balanced games are boring, yeeeaaah right…
It almost seems that some of you actually frown upon the developers trying to achieve a balanced game.

I never said that sharing game mechanics made characters similar. I didn’t even mention system mechanics, I was referring to actual moves like crouching strong or Shoryuken. And as for there not having been a game where every character has similar tools, you’re right. My definition of “similar tools” is when character A and character B both have a move that achieves the exact same purpose. Not every shoto is the same of course, Ryu plays differently from Akuma who plays differently from Sakura. But does Ken play differently from Ryu? Does Zangief play differently from Hawk? Realistically there probably won’t be a game where every character has similar tools, that was a stupid statement, but there are characters in many games that have almost the exact same skillset and are designed to be played almost the exact same way.

I think that most people would agree that devs should do their best to make a game balanced. I’m mainly against the people who think that a game becomes bad when it turns out the final product isn’t very balanced at all or if perfect balance wasn’t achieved.

What about MK/Injustice where every character has roughly the same moveset?

Uniqueness is preferable when it doesn’t force you to play at an obvious, crippling disadvantage. (Anakaris vs Top Tiers in VSav)

You never really playe deither game have you? The characters are extremely different from each othe, part of the reason balance is a bit wack in MK9 is because characters are really different from each otherr.

because we play Capcom games

It’s actually not that hard to figure out. SRK is for competitive people. Competitive people like to win, and unbalanced games let them win more easily. It’s always this way in competitive gaming circles. Here’s a quote from a Magic the Gathering article:

Hey, it’s just like SSFIV where you have such a large number of viable characters because all of them are bad.