What's going oooonnnnn? Has anyone else experienced this?

The player who “beat” Duck was a Denjin Ryu. I’m sure he’s not friends with me or Denjizzz or aware of us and better Denjin throwers.

(Dander’s “tsundere” Hugo got a bajillion against all odds of the sf3onlineedition channel roullette. What the heck does that word even mean?! I dare not ask any convention goers near the 3s machine. Played against 2 crossplayers there. Don’t ask me what that means.)

That’s interesting, didn’t know any PS2 fighting games had input display. I figured that the workaround for that “impossible” situation was them using the GPS inputs, but also modified them so that they’d appear along your characters side of the screen, which btw, is better than ssf4’s IMO (which I occasionally used to find my input flaws…), because if you wait like 1/4th of a second, it creates a gap that’s easier to distinguish inputs for combo A versus combo B. That’s awesome!

I don’t doubt that OE will still have visible lag/rollbacks, but at 200+ ping, you’re dealing with over 10 frames of visual delay, it’s a miracle that I’m not seeing people teleport all over the place, can react to IAD’s decently and haven’t felt any of that hiccuping shit when I’m in the middle of a combo… Seriously, Mak’s SA2 on hit should not make double hit sounds and glitch visuals, it’s on HIT, smooth it out… I’ve missed more double Fuki’s online due to that jarring effect and dropped inputs than I can count. X(

I recall reading something similar but can’t remember any of the reasoning behind it, it’s still the same amount of delay in ms, so it should stand to reason that a game that plays/reads inputs and animations at a slower pace (OE), should visually benefit equally, if not more than a game in turbo (DSR).

I’m more curious if IG can make the game playable online where it’s either exactly or very close to offline play. It has to be possible, right?


I’m convinced it’s possible. The last game ran on 100 mbs of code, still, I’m not sure how robust the cp3 interface was. Spikes will always be an issue, at least until we get the next wave of internet technology, and the occassional hiccup will be expected even then due to collisions and tdp troubleshooting but it is certainly possible to get this game to run offline speed. It’s not even that far off. I think it’s just that certain calculations might take the longer or less time on the xbox and so they dont’ exactly match up with the arcade version.

I don’t doubt that arcade and xbox can be near identical, it’s just that it would take a lot of very specific checks in the calculations and throttling(?) to get the times to match and that’s not even taking into account the 3 different kinds of results.

I’ll be on ggpo and maybe oe later.

Yeah, I was about to say that if it cannot be fixed no matter what we at least have Google Internet to look forward to fix the problem.

I’m looking forward to Google Third Strike

“DLC Arcade theme”

Skullgirls only exists so Dander can be the next MikeZ*

Is this the last time they’ll ever port SF3 you think. Pretty much.

*so maybe he might wanna go do that like Sanchez is doing. Mention that and now the “haiku” post is broken.