What's going on at Capcom?

In fact… I remember Harada said once he wanted to do a mega fighting game crossover with characters from SNK, Capcom, as well as the guys from Mortal Kombat, Tecmo, ASW, among others.

Nowadays, he’s my only chance of seeing a “Capcom vs SNK 3” of sorts, I mean, I hope the game could arrange something like this:


Random twitter dude’s reply has me laughing my ass off.

Capcom gonna ask Ed Boon about that Mortal Kombat cross Street Fighter game. Just you watch…

I would rather see KI x MK… Then VF x Tekken…

Ed Boon’s nose will smell that L from a mile away. No way he bites.

I’m just gonna think that either they will improve the visuals for the characters etc in these few month before release or pull a KoF14 style of improving them after release. (Am I giving too much hope on Capcom?)

They have to do something. Regardless of how the game actually plays, it’s “eh” at best to look at. No one wants to play a game that looks like shit.

They should have bring a larger character and more selection of modes while having to stay true the previous character design from aesthetics and visuals.

bruh what?

I-iii don’t know. It’s unlikely because the Xbox exclusivity but also the gameplay is kind of too different, I guess.

I think they’re already doing or already have done something about it and most of you are nonplussed because you can’t tell the difference between a console demo, floor demo and final game. I sometimes wonder if people ever read that message at the beginning of demos that says “this game is unfinished content is subject to change” and then some complete fool comes along and says “what we see is what we get.” rolleyes

There’s already three builds known about, the story demo, the loc test demo and the final game they’re currently working on. It’s absolutely clear as day that the story demo is old, it doesn’t even have a KO splash, and the floor demo would have probably been compiled for E3 clearly showing that the story demo is an older build and behind on progress. People are just hating for the sake of hating becaue they’re mortally pissed about SFV. I guess that’s still the nature of SRK, stubborn teen and middle aged black men having anal crises because their fathers made them go to military school.

Stop being pure drama queens and complaining about a lip or an eye ball for fucks sake, they can change that in a matter of minutes, 95% of the game looks great just lacks filters, stop being retarded, the game looks sick.

Haven’t seen you post on SRK for a long time.
Welcome back FChamp!

This game is going to flop hard. Can’t see it winning anyone over other than the “MAH MAAAHHHVEL!!!111111!!!” and “CUHHHLEEH MUSTACHE!!!211112122131 ~xD~”"!11 crowd, which isn’t big and is pretty much the lowest common denominator when it comes to society.













It’s apalling. APALLING to see the garbage graphics standard this company is managing on 2017. They have all the backup of the Marvel/Disney license, and they apparently consider themselves a “AAA game”, considering the tons of superduperdeluxe preorder season pass packs and DLC content they’re releasing. And their graphics are absolute garbage.

Greedy AND cheap at the same time.

What the fuck, Capcom!!

It’s unbelievable!!

This game’s a shame. I wonder how much will it damage the Marvel Vs Capcom brand? Looks like they didn’t learn a thing from Street Fighter V greedy/stupid business model.

look at this person. look how fucking dumb he is

I think I’d rather hear from people who played the floor demo at E3, because the story demo simply isn’t representative of the final product. I think they just did a shitty job of making a demo more than they did a shitty game, for instance Chun-Li has two voices, one clip of that horrible “Huuuuu!” and then other clips that sound much more like typical Chun-Li, “Kikouken!!!” Much better. Two completely different clips, probably two completely different voices.

The game looks like one of those marvel games they made for mobile devices. That being said, the game seems to play ok. The demo is shit though. Not giving capcom a pass, they could have handled all of this a lot better.

i swear to god i confused kanye for batoh (GitS) a split second on your av

the those same people are going to call everyone else crybabies. BUT MUH GAMEPLAY THO!

I never seen a group that so desperately wants to be parted from their money for a shit a product with zero heart

This game and cacpcom apologists are a joke.