What to do when they parry everything?

Staggering your attacks so they miss the timing of their parry is also something you can do, so that’s fine, but then you told him to try Kikosho, (I assume non-EX) SBK, and that awful flip kick. And those are for the most part, usually bad ideas.

Bad ideas for what though, that’s the key. The guy states a PSN tag, so…let him have fun with Chun on Iron Galaxy’s ‘special’ version of Third Strike, where flip kick is most certainly not awful. Reading between the lines (lol), even just moving around and pressing some more buttons is gonna startle his opponent into who knows what. You think top Chuns like Nuki and MOV couldn’t cream pretty much anyone on SNK with any one of her supers? Just dwell on that for a sec.

I want to see minds blown when he says his buddy and him play Offline.


This forum will scare the crap out of new posters a different way now.

Again, like I said in the other thread, if you wanna give advice for playing online, just go all the way and tell him to play Akuma and tatsu all day, or Alex stomp “mix-ups.”

Stop being predictable.

I kinda stated that initially, and said to use sbk to test his bud’s parry skill, although in all honesty, I have no idea what ‘almost pro’ means on 3s in 2012.
Hazanshu and uoh still work well in conjunction with max range low mk fishing in my experience. You see these threads all over SRK today, and it’s never even clear if the guys asking the (often multiple and wide ranging) questions are legit, and if they are, have any idea what the acronyms and shorthands some of us have been using to describe these games since the days of alt.games.sf2 and fnet.

Tough break for Alex on OE, but Chun? Akuma dies :china:

It doesn’t matter if he gets punished for using a dumb move, it’s still a dumb move. If he does parry and punish, cool, if he doesn’t and he gets away with using the bad move, now he has a bad habit and thinks it’s ok to use that move, even though a better player would punish him accordingly for it.

My view is that you should play solidly against whoever it is you’re facing, because if you play poorly just because you can get away with it, and you win with it, you’re on the way to developing a bad habit.

Unless you just want to troll/sandbag the opponent, and you know full well that the move is terrible, then whatever and use pink Sean and win with basketballs.

Not if I turn on my Lucky Star torrents in the middle of the match :smiley:

Justin Wong thought he was playing solidly, but clearly had developed some bad habits, and forever shamed the rest of us Western Chun-Li 3s players, not all of whom just sit there playing in the snoozetastic manner he was. My view is that you should enjoy playing her in this game, play her as a fan first, and just say wtf to everyone else’s preposterous ingrained mentality.
Again, see 2012, OE, the rise and rise of weird looking and feeling Capcom 3d games that cost $70 to fully play, and the general collapse of 3s outside of the (very) few lucky real life scenes left now.

If you wanna play her as a fan, and just play for funsies and not take it super seriously, then that’s fine. But this isn’t really the site to discuss which moves of hers are the coolest looking or most fun to use.

lol, have you seen the daily SFIV threads? Who is taking Third Strike “super seriously” right now? You? …why? o_O

Did you just add sig text for the visually impaired? We can at least concur that Cap right now totally blow chunks ya? The way they complacently let IG wreck this game, really makes me confident of a fantastic Alpha conversion, not.

I don’t get what SF4 has to do with this.

Because I like the game and like talking about it from a competitive perspective, and not giving bad advice.

I didn’t play Alpha, but yeah I think anyone with eyes can agree Capcom is pretty shitty.


Well, let’s just add on the '09 Capcom disclaimer to avoid any heresy charges :wink: Those SFxT, UMvC and AE threads often seemed swamped with threads about cool moves, bizarre fan fiction fantasies, what clothes you wear when you ask mom for more points to download the next set of troll gems etc, so your inference that the whole site is some steely and stoic strat fest seemed somewhat unfounded. I remember seeing threads on here in like 2002, and it was really no different though, but then they would launch right at 3s for it’s parries and ‘who the hell are these guys’ cast, and then go discuss some infinite with Tron Bonne.

Back HP buffer Chun’s flip kick thing* and when it gets parried press kick and and you will get out of jail free

Close RH and when it gets parried Super jump out (up and down quickly)

Cancel into lightning legs

Or just cancel into super and see who wins :slight_smile:

These are ways that Japanese Chun Li’s get out of parrys, apart from that just don’t be predictable

*may not be the correct term

I wasn’t taking issue with the fact that you aren’t a die hard player or something, I was bothered that you were flat out giving bad advice. I’m done now.

Dunno if you’d call him “die-hard” he rage quit every time i used to play him on GGPO, i’d expect die hard players to at least stay for more than a few games! :smiley:

I use sa1 against hugo…ive seen nuki use it against ysb in casuals aswell.

Raw super, he thinks he’s so badass he’ll try and parry it, free damage for you.

class dismissed