What street fighter character looks like you the most?

find ill play along. some say im sagat. lol i even have a scar like him below my neck and im 6’5 and strong

I look like the fat kid on the Overpass stage in SFIV.

Worship me.

wong looks like hes holdin up a bib. hes ready to eat

I look the closest to C.Viper I would say.

If she was a black guy… could you im wizard and tell him I’m 2PACK SHAKER BTW

I look like Urien haha

I’m like Dhalsim, cept the only thing that stretches is my third leg.

I hate you.
You distract me every time I play on that stage and cost me a match :lol:

OMFG I lol’d so hard

blanka with his alternate costume

I kinda look like Cammy, but with nicer ass and bigger boobz and a closet full of clothes that resemble every single skin made for the PC version :looney:

I’ll be available in the next DLC as a playable character. Parrying*




Makoto with a dick sans tits.

I am rufus’ long lost twin brother, handle bar mustache ftw

God dammit, I knew this was coming but I still lol’d.

I look like Cammy

That’s cool, I look like Blanka in his original cut-off shorts.

you look like an asshole

Unfortunately, Sean. :frowning:

For some reason, I thought OP would look a bit like sakura.