What should I use for Anti Air

b.MP has tons of recovery frames. Any good player who will option select his jumpin with any big range normal/special may punish you if you’re not doing it early enough (hello Rolento) :confused:

Okay, so b+MP does work - but only in Ranked. :wink:

Haha, however I wouldn’t advice to do it, you would take a bad habit and whenever you’ll join a tournament or a session with good players you’ll get punished a lot, and it’s pretty hard to eliminate a bad habit we have (speaking out of experience, it litterally took me months to eliminate a stupid thing I was doing in SFIV : mashing crouch tech every time I block something)

Okay, good point.

I don’t think there’s an easy fix for crossups. If someone is doing that BS where they cross you up, jab, and try to cross you up again, you can just dash under and now you’re zoning.

I don’t see the problem with spending meter to beat jump-ins… Law builds an insane amount of meter, and if you’re not willing to use some of it, just sometimes, to keep people grounded, then how can you complain about Law’s “inability” to anti-air? It’s a flawed approach, but so is hoarding your meter for that sweet combo you’ll never land because Rufus is all up in your shit.

I need to EX somersault more.

I fell too deeply in love with EX fist rush because of combo potential. but it’s easy for an opponent to bait with a jump.

don’t let this happen to you!

Yes, but I feel like EX Sommersault is stupid. You spend 1 meter for a non-heavy damage & non-comboable move which put you in a 50:50 situation since you’ll wake up at the same time. Just use jump back HK if you want to escape a jumpin, that’s way more interesting than EX Sommersault.

The answer now is c.HP into somersault! Or just somersault their ass! Feels good now.

MK Somersault, knuckle rush! Be wary though, at further ranges you won’t reach them, so learn when to knuckle rush and when not to.

Well, thanks to the latest patch, Law finally has a normal AA, and his flip kicks AA properly! Thank god, it was so tricky getting his slow ass c. HP to actually connect.