What race are you?

im black and fuck makoto


Ohhh I can’t wait til its cold again…

Do not not forget your starbucks coffey loaded full of vitamins and high levels of caffine. :bgrin:

Arab is not a race, you are grouped in with the Asian race.

That would be like somebody from portugaul saying I am from the portugess race/ lol!

By genetical design variation there are only 3 major classes of Humans on the Earth and from those 3 you get the world…

1#) Africans

2#) Asians

3#) Caucasians


are people from south and central america black, asian or cacausian?


Negro powahhhhhh!!!

is white and makoto player, but is suprisingly racist against white people

I think most crackaz are just too embarassing to the white race, that they have to disgrace our great 3S game by playing other people besides Makoto.

Have you ever noticed that a lot of snowflakes also play a shoto? XD

I’m Middle Eastern, therefore I am Brown.

im latino and I play makoto…do i get any trophey for that?

Korean Makoto player here.

I’m Mulatto(black and white),but i voted under black.

Actually they’re considered a mix of all of them. Asians came first from the bridge up in alaska and migrated down. White’s came when spain and portugal came down and blacks came with the whites.

And i’m hispanic.

Chinese Makoto.

Mexican makoto aqui lol

Yeah, I’m definitely a crackah. People down where I Play always say its a white person thing with Makoto.


I’m Japanese/Chinese and I love using Makoto.

But yeah, I suck at 3s

I myself belong to the human race.

I’m Hispanic. I play with Makoto when I want buns.