Don’t use it often, funny how it’s not available via that link, but still available if I login to photobucket.
Don’t use it often, funny how it’s not available via that link, but still available if I login to photobucket.
I got a couple so far.
The first message was “combo spammer”…
The second was “your garbage”, followed by a voice message calling me a turtling bitch after I told the dude how free he was. Of course it was funny because he was ranked #1 on live at the time…and was utterly horrible at the game.
Some guy quit on me when I shut down their offense with sub-zero. They messaged me saying I was camping 0_0
lmao camping in a fighting game.
I was in a KOTH with 4 people and EVERYONE in there ragequitted.
it’s not even that Im that good, they’re just that bad.
I’ve gotten all nice things, in fact I have a couple new friends on my friends list.
Games still fresh so you’re going to get plenty of those for the time being. Also if you play Kung Lao like your avatar suggests I can see that happening alot. He’s just so frustrating
Just had some jobless loser with a gamertag of “xBEASLTYBALLAx6” (yes, he spelled the word “beastly” wrong in his gamertag) send me a voice message of the following. “Yo how many hours did you sit around learning that combo you fucking loser? You must be a 500 pound albino for real. Get a fuckin’ life, f@ggot.”
His only strategy was tele-upper with Sektor into a poorly timed uppercut.
Haha, unreal. In reality, he wouldn’t say that to me. That’s for sure. This is why I miss the arcade. It’s just another reason kids are assholes these days.
just rage quitters ans silence…its unsettling.
Hahaha. Dude, that’s my video.
I just posted it a few days ago.
Someone got mad at me after I had a winning streak going, calling me garbage because I was “spamming” fire balls. I was using Shang Tsung at the time.
400+ matches and no hatemail here o.O. Someone sent me a message saying “Use som1 els lol” but it didn’t seem hostile since he stayed on and gave me a 10.
I want to friend this guy just so I can send him a gg and get a personalized rant… GG…awsome
well from my experience playing like bitch is code for u blocked and punished me every single time and use a different character is kode for i cant beat you with someone your good with now pick someone u cant play and let me win lol shit is effin ridiculous man lol next time i play im looking for this man
hahaha wow that shit is hilarious, that guy is mad as shit hahahaha.
that made my day. Online MK peeps never let me down. ever.
so I kept this guy in the air for what seemed like the entire match and crushed him when he dropped, but all of a sudden I lost connectin to host eventhough his body was still there
day one patched baraka…
"Cheap Ass baraka"
Montrarious:go back to spam camp u ***** you ***licking Qf!
LinKuei82:lol u p****y
Ray Curbelo:cheater
all cuz of Kung Lousy!!!
I get too many. people calling me pussy, telling me to “stop throwing shit”. Not once have I gotten a “gg” or any positive remarks. It seems much more prominent in this game than other fighting games. It kinda makes me question the community. Whenever I’m in a lobby, everyone’s calling everyone a fag and a pussy, and everyone’s got X’s in the front and back of their names. I’m pretty sure this game has the youngest of the fighting game players, and also the angriest. Most of them must have gotten the game just for the blood, gore, tits, and fatalities. It’s just bound to happen. Kids on the playground are more likely to talk about how cool baraka’s fatality is than talk about, say, an ultra in streetfighter. I just may have to put this down for a bit and wait for the community to weed itself out so I can later have the chance to play a guy who plays the game for its system and intricacies.
^ One of the reasons why I quit playing this online, haven’t played it outside of local vs for about a month. The vast majority of the player base doesn’t seem interested in learning anything about the game, they just want to spew silly shit in the lobby chat and cut you into 3 pieces at the end of the match. I’ve played a handful of people who seem to be genuine fighting game fans who have their shit together. It really tarnishes the image of the game, doesn’t make it fun to play at all when you destroy people consecutively because they don’t want to learn anything. Not to say I’m brilliant or anything, but at least make me work for my wins. It’s why I can play Super for hours, I’m rather shit at the game, my Cammy is awful. Can’t link shit outside of cr.hp, cr.mk. But I can get a good fight with someone who’s took the time to develop their skills. Baseless comparison, though. SF4 has been out for years, and SF has always had a devoted fanbase who like to learn their shit. Maybe in a few months the kids will get bored and fuck off someplace else, leaving the people who actually like the engine and stuff.