What he really needs to be viable

Standing MP is the greatest button of all time.

Alex is viable IMO. Maybe not vs chun but everyone else is ok.

Try not to focus as much on PowerBombs. Kara throw is great.

Needs more faith.

“Faith is for those not wanting to know what is true.”


Book of Alex isn’t the Book of Job.

Sean’s the Book of Job.

Pretending you don’t want invincible stomp(going up startup, used as reversal or something) more than invincible command grab Louis. —err in some other topic.

I couldn’t agree more, if only his Power Bomb was slightly quicker than a lot of people would be afraid of Alex getting in their face

Reminds me of Ford Strike and Alex having EX Powerbomb with full invincibility. That radically changed how people approached him on wakeup.

SA2 vacuum would be OP because if the opponent blocked, he/she would be stuck in a blocking state when alex finishes his SA2 with the grab

SA2 vacuum could work, just make it like Ken SA3 where he stops before helicoptering in the air

…you can’t grab opponents who are in blockstun.

lol, the only thing that would do is make it even easier to punish alex. just stand there and wait for his arms to go through. don’t even need to walk up.

Nope. If SA2 had vortex effect like Ken’s or Hugo’s SA3 it would give him something to parry/punish with and it would be a way better Reversal. He can use SA2 to Reversal in several situations it just won’t hit fully.

what’s wrong with his low forward.
other than he’s just big and easy to hit.

i feel like alex has a great sweep also.

Alex’s Sweep has Hugo’s range, but I think it has slower startup than Hugo’s. May have a smaller hitbox too. Because of that it’s harder to dash in after a knockdown and try to sweep them, they can easily jump out.

Air stampede is invincible to low attacks on frame 1.