What fighting game would you like to see added to the xbox arcade library?

My Wishlist for fighting games on XBL Marketplace Is:
Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core, Melty Blood: Actress Again Current Code, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Capcom vs SNK 2, SNK vs Capcom: SVC Chaos.

Put me down for CvS2.

JoJo’s with online play and no changes would be great.

cvs2 already goddamn

I just wanna play without 2 hour round trip fridays :mad:

Everybody here is saying CVS2. Why didn’t Capcom do it in the first place? Bullshit… Everybody should email them and tell them whats up.

BTW all I want is CVS2 and VS

CvS2 and Alpha 3. =/

Powerstone CvS2

Guilty Gear : Accent Core w/GGPO/BB quality netcode

CvS2, Alpha 3, and Saturday Night Slam Masters (more of a fighter/wrestler hybrid)

Since we’re getting 3rd strike, here’s another vote for CVS2 and Killer Instinct!!

capcom vs snk, snk vs capcom chaos, last blade 2 and of course Rumble fish 1 and 2 and rage of the dragons

Killer instinct 3 is actually in development or that’s what I heard…

Killer Instinct and POWER RANGERS!!! …real talk

CVS2 and Gem Fighter HD Remix.


Gudam Wing and Rival Schools

CVS2 and third strike would be nice :slight_smile:

Marvel Vs Capcom 1
TMNT Tournament Fighters

Id play marvel1 for old time’s sake:party:

Me too man, me too!