Psycho Gorath is his av
Ken34 is def his av
If 4neqs is not wearing a chunli av then it doesn’t fit
SWBeta is not his av, I keep thinking anything with a sound system or headphones
The Damned is not his av, his old av’s were a lot more gothic
Weeks could be his av, anything with Sakura or Lighting seems to work also
Kzoh is his av, any black women will do
TS is most certainly his av
AkumaTX is not his av, mostly identified with Akuma knee jerking another character
Akumatrunigga is not his av, it’s not black enough
@PsychoJosh is not his av, just some little faggoty bitch who I turned to dust (@ so he can come here and do something about it)
Sonichuman is his av
Javid is his av
deadfrog is possibly his av
-Eph is that black dude with the scythe from Soul Calibur
-The Damned is a leaner Dudley with more hair
-LVP: tall ripped black dude. With a riot shield
-SWB: Jedi knight-looking guy
I really wanted to stay with Juri or go back to a Shermie one for old time’s sake…
I imagine SWBeta as T’Challa…
Radsilver as some dude that wears some fruity lookin’ outfits, but is cool as shit… prolly could bum some mj off of him…
That nigga Vince is Iori…
Epidemic is Shamar Moore… no homo
NickGuy is the Based God…
Sorry to destroy your hopes, but I’m some 5’ 11’’-6’ bird chested black dude yo…
self-proclaimed legend in the making checking in
I got avys for days so just remember the name when you see it.
Nah, Kzoh’s face is known.
I swear this nigga Too Short was bald the last time I seen him in a video. :bluu:
Thanks largely to his posting and subsequently BullDancer’s av, I will always picture goody as the T1000.
Million is the one I’ve always associated with Bruce from Family Guy, in voice at least. EVERY post of his I mentally read it in that voice…
Epidemic is a black vega, who bathes in oatmeal and crushed flowers…pause
I see million as one of those dirty old guys with a wheezy voice, always talking about doing something to some fine young piece of ass
You are a slut, but occasionally you are Squidward, as that was the first av I saw you in.
You’re blue haired slut is my favorite so far, light blue I mean, I prefer for them to have a confident look in the midst of their sluttiness though, because otherwise in the context of manga/anime it just looks like they are being raped.
Cisco is a scrawny philipino kid with a paper burger king crowns wrapped around his waist.
Zeph is the Question, aka has no face
Sano is Sano
I used to think you were an Asian girl with a cap i am not gonna lie.
Hahah man I used to be all about the hawaii-an shirts back in the day
Well, I was really off on that one. Starting to lose faith in my other perceptions…except maybe Momo.
Close enough. You don’t have time to go to Special Stage when you’re at work 24/7.
I always imagined boel to have a deep baritone voice, like that black dude on the All-State commercials.
Buttdongz Stream soundly shattered my illusions, with an alto-ality.
Sent from my thumbs, using SRK technology.
This thread… Too good.
Neesa is a white elderly man, do not be fooled.
Shit. My cover’s blow.
I’m out.
Leaving image in quote intentionally.
Change the post to something about Platinum Games being awful and that’s how I see @SWBeta
You will be so fucking surprised if I run into you at Evo one of these years
I’m sorry, but who are you? I don’t recognize you at all.