What do you "See" in posters here?

I called these helmet guys, Boba Fett costume. He actually got upset I didn’t know it was “Mandalorians.” My friend knew and it was his first time at these weirdo cons. Missed out Dan cosplayer holding the pink lightsaber, he’d be, a Dildonian.

Called Resident Evil Jill, new costume same shit,

She got super pissed! :tup:
Should’ve said “Sarah Bryant from Virtua Fighter?” for there to be no reaction from not even knowing who that is. Way to blow and make the same archetype and costumes Japan!


I’m pretty convinced Koop is a little yellow dancing chick and he gets all the ladies with his fine moves.

After seeing that video where Koop explains Steve H’s hype, I read every one of his posts like he’s the voice of reason

Lucky apple doesn’t make games or they would make a character like this and then sue!

Only reason I know bout SW is through a dude from high school.

What? I’m not mean.
I’m probably the kindest, gentlest, most even tempered GD goer. Everything I do is motivated by love and compassion.
I’m like the 1000 armed guan yin, Kenshiro and the Virgin Mary wrapped up in the young, hot and tight bod of a prepubescent anime schoolgirl.

I gotta try to make it to FR next year…

Oh hey, it’s @Tweleve

Found Fishjie

yo don’t get mad its the wrong AZN, its all good man

It’s @Havatchu

This is now my favorite thread…

So what @bkfst_sausage is saying, is that I’m cunning, have a pet monkey, and I get the sugar momma? :tup:

Probably owed a ton of residuals from the Prince of Persia series too.

Only con, that very distracting Robin Williams Genie that won’t shutup. Not like a tiny crab or candleholder sidekick. The large Genie gets in your face a lot.

Exactly what I’m saying, you handsome devil, you.
You also star in one of Capcom’s best SNES games.

I have it for genesis somewhere :3

Boel is chubby patrick stewart with a boner. All this post up in yo butt
Million IS Mayuri. Like, I read Bleach, and when Mayuri shows up, I actually get sad because I remember Million’s post about no girl ever loving him :sad:
angryliberal was cooler when he was the blue manhattan group.
SNAAAAKE is this face >:(
Vynce is too cool to talk to us so he faces away in silhouette, in his Iori cosplay #KoFSWAG
Valaris is Batman
RockB is that black guy from his “aim low” avatar setup
WTF_AKUMA_HAX is Sentinel with a Kappa face, whom I originally thought was Dogface, so I read his posts in Dogface’s voice
goodm0urning had the awesome 30s superman looking down avatar and then changed it. hes never been the same to me since :shake:
Sovi3t is an online predator
Vorkosigan is gootecks

That’s right, you’re a Sega dude.

You have no one to blame but yourself on that one…

I can’t see SNAAAAKE as anyone other than that guy at cf who played CVS2 with one leg on the cab

no regrets

2nd place monster

How did I miss this thread? 3 pages and only one perception about me? Damn GD, I thought we was cool.

It’s scary how accurate that is. I would have a big fro if my hair wasn’t dreaded, and I do a good Haggar impression.

Hava probably looks like Alpha Ken but skinny and talks like Mikey from TMNT. He’d have dreads if he could get them.

Ben Perkins is the wise crack with the glasses who always wears t-shirt and jeans. Dude could have his own sitcom.

I thought RockB was an angry fuck-you-up-in-a-dark-alley black dude along with Black Jesus. Shaved head, goatee, and a frown. Those two can rip on some stupid post/posters. You should have read the stuff they posted before the PG era.

I thought AF, fishjie, Zulu, PurpleBunny, Rabbit2k7, Jamp, pherai, and Kromo were all female like their old avs (and PurpleBunny had that MLP av). My bad.

Did not know Fracys Pai, Yuna, and SniperNightOwl were female. Still need confirmation for Momo though.

Little Goten was a little white kid.

Skatan Milla was a chick.

I thought THEQUEENOFLOVEHD was a dude (no offense to QoL. Lots of e-trannies use “queen” or “goddess” in their handle).

+1 for specs looking like Link from the cartoon.

I thought Stu was cool. Same with Chindogg, but they’re just thugs, just like Sagat.

gilley is probably really wealthy.

Didn’t think Wiz was fat.

Clu is bi-polar.

Rampage is probably a vigilante.

Roninchaos is an angry guy in a batman costume. Val is a not-so-angry guy in a batman costume but he can get mad.

IIRC, The Grey Area is a tranny, and could probably mindfuck some dudes.

Tanner looks like Slim Shady except he hates rap.

4neqs is black and likes big butts. Being black, I didn’t need to add the second part.

I thought PapaRhino looked like Papa Johns.

Geese Pants real name is probably Dave and he has a lot of wrestling stuff.

How do you have a name like AYO and not be black (or Scott Hall)?

I thought Redbeard was bigger (no offense). Did not think he looked like the son of Sheamus.

Dandy J could be related to Stu.

Thought Shadow Ace 50 was white. Not even close.

I thought Martiach was the chick in her av, then she posted an alleged pic of herself, then later said it wasn’t her. She says she’s half Native American, so I picture her to look like Michelle Chang minus the Chinese descent.

I thought Hecatom was black.

PsychoJosh is a 15 year old puerto rican kid that likes to flamebait and doesn’t listen to anyone.

Bushin Clan is a sheltered kid living in the burbs who likes Nikes but hates the demographic they’re targeted towards.

I thought goodmourning looked kinda like UltraDavid, but he looks more like how I invision Ben Perkins to look.

Thought Koop, HAV, voodazz, and maxx were white in the past. My bad.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Sonichuman probably doesn’t look like a Human Sonic, but who knows.

Shit, I’m forgetting a bunch of people.