That nigga can’t even scratch his own back
Dude looks like Kazaam and the Genie from Aladdin did the fusion dance
If is a girl with hentai face i know it is you
Word, even i as a non native english speaker find the tittle annoying >:/
Sorry ben, but for me you would be always be Phil
Where to start…
Bulldancer: A black dude jerking off under his sheets.
FallingEdge: A huge burger
BkfstSausage: As a heavy-set asian.
Pretty much whatever their avatar is.
lol seriously though, i only start to picture someone after i’ve read a good number of their posts and their personality shows.
as a general rule, people who are nice/helpful, i visualize as good looking; people who are rude/trolls, i picture as ugly.
Okay whatever. I don’t care.
I’ve seen your kind before. You troll so much that you don’t even remember the people you troll, but when somebody calls you a bitch you need to confront him with a pair of BIG THUG NUTZ!
As I said, I have no idea who you are. You’re just some random dumbass. Sorry but I can’t find a fuck to give.
Um… hi.
We’ve never had issue between us.
Ephidel is a loooooooooooooooong time O.G. member.
He is so old school SRK, he is very nearly black.
He is also a mod.
Which means that he could kick your ass in here just as easily as UMVC3.
Quite possibly irl too.
But he’s a nice guy.
That said, don’t fuck with him.
Just a heads up.
Sent from my thumbs, using SRK technology.
M.D. is a god.
I don’t see where being a mod means “allowed to be a dipshit and pick fights with people for no reason”. I thought mods were supposed to discourage that kind of behavior.
Oh well, seems any kind of idiot passes for a mod around here.
#1. He is not a dipshit.
#2. He did not pick a fight with you for no reason.
#3. See my previous post again, and reflect further.
Sent from my thumbs, using SRK technology.
I didn’t delete you. Your asian ass keeps deleting your accounts and remaking a new one after a few months.
Yes he is.
Yes he did. See the post where he calls me to this thread by putting at @ in front of my name just for the sake of picking a fight with me and how he persists to want to fight.
Nothing you said in your previous post is relevant to me. I take my leave of you and this thread, please reply with whatever dumbass retort you have and be done.
You’re welcome.
Sent from my thumbs, using SRK technology.
yet you keep posting, you are making a big case for yourself buddy! I also like how you deleted all my post on your profile (again), how is the world supposed to see me owning your ass up? You brought this on yourself, and you’re just pissed off because I’m doing what you do to all the other people on this site. Doesn’t feel so good to log in and see some random fucktard calling you a bitch huh? You should of never ran your mouth on my profile, now you got my attention so I’m gonna have some fun with you.
Sure, bring up me being a mod and whatever because I can give less than a damn! I already said I don’t wanna be mod anymore so stop waving that shit around like you are trying to prove a point. Banning people is a pussy move, I won’t ban you. Instead, I’m just gonna keep calling you a faggot watch you COME AT ME BRO STEP YOUR FUCKING GAME UP NIGGA!
- oh and sorry GD folk but this guy really has it coming #1 PsychoJosh fan
Million probably has the best representation of himself as an AV. His handle even says King of Creeps.