What are characters saying when they're K.O.'d?

I miss E.Honda’s “DOGSLIDE”. . .

Anyone know what Honda says during EX Headbutt? I’m gonna investigate…

…Well, it definitely ends in “Jaee!” like a lot of his moves, and it starts with “Super” or “Supaa” but I have NO idea what’s in between.

I was certain both Honda & Gouken say the same thing for whiff throws, something like “Doto” (Forgive me, I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce or even spell Japanese) which, from my understanding, was “Damnit” or something to that effect.

For the record, I use all in Japanese voice with exception to Cammy purely because she’s the only acceptable ENG Dub I can stand, the rest (Including my main & favourite character, Balrog) is just ridiculously corny and cringeworthy - Things like RYU SCREAMING everytime he does a Shoryuken, or just cocky/misplace ‘catchphrases’ don’t do it for me - Sure, they say mostly the same sort of stuff in Japanese, but at least all the actors 100% suit their character and I have no idea what half of them are even saying ^^

Love Balrog - His headbutt laugh in JAP is the most scumbag’ish sounding thing - BAM Grreeeehhhehehehehe, his KO is also amusing and his Torpedo is quite amusing - Is it actually in Japanese? Or is it the Jap voice actor literally trying to say “SMASH!” or “SPLASH!”?

he’s definitely saying “SMASH!”

also, honda sounds like he says “nantou?” or some other variant on a throw whiff

japanese sagat’s more like 'Tire show’
japanese seth is the stupidest thing ever, seriously, no offence to anyone but it sounds nothing like a mad clone trying to take over the world

isn’t that what he is?