Does anybody but me and Jay want to pick up Arcana Heart 3? (IT’S A GOOD GAME)
i’ll play it, but right now i don’t have the munniez to buy it. Anybody wanna haaaaang tomorrow?
Ill play AH3… but its gunna be hard without to grind without a setup of my own. Welp
Edit: I think it would be more fun if we play blahblue instead
What system is the tournament Guilty Gear even for lol? I would grind some stuff, but isn’t it only for PS2 or something?
ps2 yah.
I’d play it if it came out for xbox
I’ll start playing AH3 if somebody else picks it up. I already bought it, so…
Someone needs to let me gameshare that shit for psn because i’m too lazy/poor to buy it myself >_>;
I’m down, esp if we can get 1 or 2 more.
Anybody for 3s? I think I only have a couple of you added on PSN.
Fuck you capcom, stop trying to make me play Wesker with your fancy color schemes.
Once again proving that any move you do as Seth that isn’t DP is probably the wrong choice.
dude that stick rules
e: GETMONEYMONEY punches you in the chest
Jeff, your avatar… I have no words.
e: odd future gief