is it to late to get into this i main cody and juri but i want to learn dudley also
GT-xM0NDAY (the o is a zero)
i used to main Dudley when i played on pad but when i got a stick i dropped him. I remember some things but i sucked back then so.You can add me whenever, im always up for games i kinda suck with Dudley right now though.
add endlessmgb if you main/considering maining Dudley
What are the times again for these meetings? I am in Hawaii so its very hard for me to make them consistantly unless I am off that day…
anytime I’m on and asked to make a session
not playing much recently unless asked
this pad is terb.
Thats fine, not looking for actual matches right now. I would just like to see what proper footsies are since that is an area I am weak in.
still droppin jab roundhouse
No one is perfect, im still learning. That was an off day for me though.
been playing on PC lately and boy do I miss you guys on Xbox :’(
I heard the online experience on PC is way better than xbox live, is this true?
from what I hear from friends that do play on PC, there’s less lag if you have a really good gaming computer.
AE has gotten me back into SF4, add me if you’d like to play games.
add EndlessMGB gamertag.
[LEFT]how’d this thread reach 7 pages[/LEFT]
i added endlessmgb about a week and a half ago but theyre never online.
GT ?
ill make a roo at some point today (friday) around 6 PM EST
Ill join this one, off work today
fuuuuuuuuu I don’t have the 360 version at the moment.
Finally got an xbox thanks to a friend. Can’t wait to join one of these.