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[Crestfall] Noel Vermillion by Crestfall :: Miss Fortune :: Custom Skin :: Leaguecraft
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[Crestfall] Noel Vermillion by Crestfall :: Miss Fortune :: Custom Skin :: Leaguecraft
Pretty neat.
The only mod I’ve got installed is one that replaces the splash screen pictures with alternative China-version art. Looks so much better.
EDIT: So Blitzcrank is free? I’ve been using him for most of my matches, and haven’t lost any game where I did. Just lucky, of course, but still. So much CC! Too bad he’s 6300 IP. :C
Pantheon and Udyr are so stupid. I’m convinced!
I just kind of assume that Pantheon is next on the chopping block, however… seems like everybody knows just how gross he is, so a nerf can’t be too far away. Anyway, next time I get up to 3150 IP, it’s gonna be one of those guys. Or Olaf? Man, I dunno.
Played a single game of Ranked (solo queue), and lost! Team captain sez, “Who should I ban?” and a guy says “I play Anivia.” ANIVIA BANNED. All downhill from there…
Panethon is fine, yeah his late game is really strong but he still tapers off near the end Just not as bad as he used to thankfully. And Udyr? Stupid? Really?
Well I dunno. I mean, I don’t know anything about this game.
Like I said - ONE game of ranked! So just tell me when I’m saying something stupid.
Pantheon seems pretty strong early game, too, frankly.
Udyr just doesn’t die.
I bet a lot of things change when you’ve got ‘real’ teams, but… How would I know.
Played a game with a pro DPS blitzcrank. Guy got all the stacks on his cult blade, every time he activated W it was faster than ghost. After the game, opponent Teemo ridiculed us for buying wards. “Take it to ranked, you tryhards. Normal games are for people who want to have FUN.” or something like that.
Strongly strongly disagree. HSS damage is obscene. For a cone/multi-target spell it does too much damage early on. And despite it’s “nerf” it seems to scale just fine now. I think if he threw his shield to stun you instead of jumping to you, with his current damage levels, he might be alright. The fact that tons of champs at this point have to let him free farm because if you get in range to pop his shield or harass it’s hop + HSS, then you’re either eating a spear as you run away for a vast majority of your life, or you stand there to try to counterdamage him and you get a few pokes in while two autoattacks (one being a 100% crit) plus the spear kills you.
His level of difficulty to play (fucking braindead) compared with his damage and practically TOD combo makes him a really fucking stupid champ right now. I don’t think it’s balanced to have a champ who’s weakness is ‘just stay out of his range and let him do his thing’ or ‘disable him/stunlock him!’ because that’s not a character specific counter, that counters anyone in this game.
Have you not been playing much? I literally have seen a Pantheon in every single game lately (& he’s not free), and every single one is going with insane k/d ratios. Now either every pan out there is really good or he’s a bit over the top.
If you can enlighten me with how to counter pantheon now, that’d be great. He’s one of the first champs I owned so I’m somewhat familiar with him and I don’t even play him now because he’s so goddamned dumb. Don’t say outnumber him or let him free farm because those really aren’t options. Out range him with skill shots like anivia or something? The problem with outranging his harass range is that to pop his shield you need to like auto attack which is his fucking stun range and the trade is really unfavorable.
I fucking hate Trynd, his ultimate is so fucking stupid.
As for pants, I haven’t had too much trouble, but I don’t even play Ranked yet. But I also play characters that have substantial range and such.
Panth is strong don’t get me wrong but he is far from broken I don’t even put him near the ranks of an Anivia or Sivir. His HSS is a great damage dealer but it is easily avoided. It is rather easy for groups of organized people to shut him down even in 5v5 team fights. Its all about control and his only control is leap which puts him in serious risk.
Sivir’s boomerang does way too much damage for the range, speed, and ability to hit twice.
I dunno. It seems that there are many champions that can do nothing against him. I wouldn’t accept that in a fighting game, I feel it’s a sign of bad balance here.
Yeah Sivir seems a little too good, or at so easily good that I can do well with her.
I think the main problem with Pantheon is that he’s designed as a snowball character (or at least that’s what I remember reading) but he’s also the only snowball character who has an excellent early game. Akali and Kassadin also dominate games if they can get a couple kills early on, but their laning phase is a lot rougher and more difficult.
Pantheon is also one of the only characters who can easily feed off the weakest player on the team during all phases thanks to his ultimate.
Sure is mad in here.
Well, I don’t think it’s fair to say people are mad, really. It’s just - what do you talk about, if your playing LOL? A lot of it comes down to balance or nitty-gritty optimization. What tactical choices are you really even going to make? Every pantheon player is going to start off with hop & HSS, and finish with spear if he can’t/won’t keep up. It only makes sense. A lot of other champions have abilities that lend themselves strongly to formulaic, by-the-book plays, too. Like, uh, Kennen.
I post up with something about “XYZ sure seems OP!” because I want to know what other people think. Raptor hasn’t convinced me that Pantheon isn’t too strong yet, but I know he has played this game a lot more than me, and I’m looking to hear about concrete suggestions and situations that Pantheon has trouble with.
fyi grant, lothar’s whole shtick is “u mad” so he’s just gonna be sayin’ that.
Maybe I’m ranting a little over the top and he’s not completely broken but match after match after match after match of losing to fucking garbage pantheon players has gotten to me. I stand by my statement that the amount of effort you put in for the result you get is stupid, though. It just seems silly to me that in a game where hard CC dominates so much, why does he get a leap + stun as a burst damage character? I understand he’s squishy with no real escape but can anyone flash TO you and stun you simultaneously? And then burst the shit out of you? It’s just silly.
That’s a good point about his early game being really strong for a snowball character.
I’m just pissed because I thought he was completely fine and now they tweaked him and he’s beasting for free and it’s just tiring. Fucking flavor of the month bullshit.
The reason I say groups of organized people is because that is what the game is designed around. I agree that doesn’t happen often in solo queue, but if this game was balanced around solo queue it would be fucking terrible.
I think there are way more then 2 stronger characters then pantheon i have him late tier 2 tier 3 imo. If you want me to list them I will and reasons.
Sivir hardly relys on skill shots. Her best move is Ricochet once she has a Madreds shit tears a team to pieces. She also pushes like an animal which is extremely good because it causes the other player/players to stay in there lane or lose a tower. Anivia does rely on skill shots heavily but I never count ease of play into my rankings of characters. Only on there overall potential knowing how to play the character or having the skill to is a player problem not a character problem. If this was the case top 3 would be Garen, Morde, Vlad.
Pantheons HSS can be easily walked aside if you notice its a cone so if you walk towards and to the side of him it will only hit you after the stun for about 30-50% (depending on walk speed) of its total damage and as he sits there doing the rest you can use one of your abilities for a counter attack or escape. If he is getting you in team fights that is a positioning problem and you need to practice where to be.
If you tell me what characters you play I can give you specifics on how to stop him I suppose.
Sure is low tier people complaining about “OP” heroes in here. Is that better?
The whole point of Panth is he rapes early and then at the end he can just try and burst as many people as possible before dying. He is easy to snowball with but the snowball melts before it goes anywhere. He can kill easily but that is it. Winning games requires more than that.
Xin Zhao. E->Q knock up->R. Not as effective 1v1, but better against multiple targets.
The reason that, despite being a team game, I don’t think ‘cooperation’ is a valid weakness for a character, is that whenever considering problems of balance you should assume that both players or teams are playing well. And if your plan is just to gang up on the other team, it doesn’t really make much sense, since they should be able to muster the same number of players. Actually, since pantheon can teleport, it can be harder than normal.
Yeah, Sivir’s great. She can push as fast as anyone, and much faster than most. She farms like a bawss, hits hard, and with ricochet can basically hit everything in the area, all at once, constantly. I’m amazed how many people think she sucks for some reason.
Spell shield is delicious, life-saving gravy.
Hey, what are everyone’s favorite summoner spells, anyway? I use teleport a lot, but it might just be because I’m not always a super strong laner, and I like to be able to buy/heal and get back to my lane. I like it for the 2v1 lane, for quickly pushing (with Sivir, usually), and having at least ONE person on my team who can get to the tower in time to stop it from going under. I also tend to pick ghost or ignite a lot. Ghost particularly if I’m not getting teleport.
Some of the strengths that some characters have in this game definitely involve just being in solo queue and taking advantage of a single person making mistakes. Characters like Eve especially. In fact, I think that’s part of the reason of her high placement in the EU servers. The EU servers don’t have the same consistency in language, which leads to players being more solo-lane oriented and making the game much more gank heavy rather than team fight oriented.
I tend to really like Cleanse/Ghost on tanks. Makes my life a lot easier to survive ganks and makes it so that I can charge into a team fight and make sure I can still disable the carry without being chain CC’d myself. Plus, nothing is more awesome than an Ult’d Nasus running toward a gold card and just walking through it like nothing happened.
I used to go Clarity/Teleport with Anivia, since you aren’t going to be able to get blue during the first 6 levels (maybe more if you have a good jungler that needs blue) and Clarity is essential for you to stay in the lane. Teleport is for hoping around the map, especially to wards hidden in brushes. There used to be an amazing glitch with Anivia and teleport, where if you started the teleport right before you were turned into an egg, the teleport would continue through the egg stage and get you to safety. Made her nearly impossible to gank. But Riot fixed that glitch recently. I’ll probably end up taking Ghost simply because Anivia is so freaking slow normally.
Teleport/Rally is amazing on Sivir. You leave a tower unguarded, it’s gone in 5 seconds. Similar to what Master Yi or TF can do to a tower, but even FASTER.
I want to try Rally Katarina with the recent changes, but the cooldown on Rally annoys me.
Well summoner spells are dependent on the team but If I had to go for a setup that was the best overall it would be of course Flash/Ghost.
Flash is the grossest most OP thing this game has to offer. Possible damage avoidance and a get out of jail free card every 2 1/2 mins or so. So I don’t have a summoner combo without flash unless I am in a organized team. If I am in a organized team then its shifts to Clairvoyance and teleport/flash. On certain characters I like clarity as well over ghost or smite if jungle of course. Ignite on anivia or akali but always flash. Against panth/trynd/yi ect I always get a exhaust.