Ways to get better...Without competition?




so i only recently started playing this game seriously. i can beat everyone in my local circle. there is very little comp here. so what have i done to step up my game?

i’ve been to socal’s Family Fun Arcade, one of the most brutal arcades in america. lost all but one round i’ve ever played there. but god have i learned so much. i learned how to b&b. i started to learn how to roll cancel. and furthermore excecute these things against GREAT players.

i also travelled to colorado to play in my first tournament. i only got to play three games, but i watched so many matches. learn a lot of cool tactics. currently working on solidifying a new groove :slight_smile:

FFA peeps aren’t that great other than the obvious big names… Well, I only played peeps on the jpn cab, and maybe like twice on the big american but overall norcal imo is a lot more fierce haha.

Kapa’a, Hawaii. Out in the middle of fluffin nowhere.

from one of the poster children of playing with no competition…


it took me awhile to realize, but the problem with not having competition is that you have no benchmark to play against. you’re only as good as the videos you watch, the computer you play, or the scenarios you work out in training mode.

but the problem is that the better players have been there/done that a year or two ago. so it’s one big game of catch up that you will never win.

if you’re just playing to have fun and be a part of the scene, then you’ll be fine. but if you want to be the best and win tournies against big names, you’re fighting an uphill, unwinnable battle.


i know, i wanna make the journey up to norcal

that would be a beating i’d never forget

Do the people at KSII actually play on cabs or is it just televisions + ps2/dc that they plug their sticks into? I should really go visit San Jose again cause it’s just top for fighting game action, playing and spectating.