Watchmen movie - Tales of the Black Freighter animated trailer released

More stills -

And legal troubles oh…

Yeah, I’ve been hearing about this. Supposedly, 20th Century Fox isn’t just content with a cut of the profits–they want the movie stopped altogether.

The chance of that happening is, of course, quite fat.

Some fans are pushing for the movie to be 3 hours long, not 2 hours and 50 minutes.

They were better off making it to a animation, rather then a movie

The trial between Fox and the WB with regards to this movie will start in January 6th, 2009.

Snyder talks about the film’s ending which will be different than the comic book one. PS: BOOOOOOOO… :sad:


Okay goodm0urning I take back any argument i may have had against you in regards to this movie being made and you were definitely right in being skeptical about it.

Man i didn’t think they would change the ending like that. I’ll probably still see the movie but wow that does suck if you’re a hardcore fan of the material.

Watchmen video games, whoa…

Shouldn’t you make a thread in the GD Forums about that?

Feel free if you want to.

Fox won the case -

hopefully fox doesn’t get stupid and decide to not release the Watchmen.

At this point I have to wonder… doesn’t it seem like God hates Alan Moore more then Alan Moore might hate God?

I don’t know that Alan Moore hates God moreso than he simply doesn’t believe in it, but wouldn’t you say that any setback for WB is good for Moore? If anything, God just gave him a little Christmas stocking stuffer by basically ruining WB’s chances of turning a profit with this movie.

I gotta say it because of this movie that i picked up the book. So far its neat.

I have to agree with goodm0urning.
Anything to hinder the studios chances to turn any sort of profit would put a big smirk on Moore’s face, and rightfully so.
WB and 20th Century Fox have been gaying up his works for a looong time.

Radiant- You might need to re-read the book to fully appreciate it, and you HAVE to read the bonus stuff that give background info on characters such as Rorschach and the 40s heroes

Thinking about it now i don’t think this is gonna hinder the movie coming out cause eventually WB is probably gonna pay FOX some money to shut them up and keep them happy.
I can sort of understand people not wanting to see this Watchmen movie cause its so sacred to them but I don’t think its gonna be the shit storm and disappointment that the fanboys make it out to be.

Kusanagi - disappointment is relative to expectations. For people who were weaned on the mediocrity of either superhero comics, superhero movies, or both, this movie might very well blow their balls off. The crowd that thinks of V For Vendetta as a reasonably faithful adaptation is going to love Watchmen. But for people who would hold it to a higher standard (which the book deserves and requires), it’s virtually impossible that this film will be as great as it needs to be, and it’s unlikely that it’ll even be watchable.*

Anyway, neither Ghostal and I were predicting that WB won’t get Watchmen out on time. We were predicting a very low chance of it turning a profit–and it may even end up deeply in the red, depending on how audiences receive it. Fox is getting a lot of money because they didn’t make this movie when they had the chance, and that’s perfectly fine by me. It’s better than them getting money because they actually made the movie.

(*I will remind everyone of the messes that have resulted from adaptations of Moore’s books in the past, and no matter how much of a ballwasher Snyder is, there is absolutely nothing in his resume to indicate that he is capable of making a great movie, or that he’s capable of fully comprehending something as complex and multi-dimensional as Watchmen. The fact that he has no plan for incorporating the supplemental stuff, is leaving the pirate comic out of the main narrative, and is fucking with the ending, ought to be very unsettling even for people who actually want this film to be made.)

I’m slightly disappointed that it seems that most people who have read Watchmen don’t seem to hold it sacrosanct and aren’t offended by the notion of this movie. I really wanted to unite with all of the other elitist comic book readers, but it seems I can’t find anyone to have a team-up.

Human beings are disappointing in general. I guess that is why I am so amazing.