I remember this incident whew tryin g to fiond a low pingway to hook up an S-Vide connection to both a streaming device and a CRT with no delay on the CRT TV:
Slpittng analog video signals weakens them to the point that neither device can get a picutre
I could play on the CRT TV, but not the video capture device. I could also record and watch live play off the footage in a delayed way, not live on CVRT TV. This worked singly, but not together in an S-Video Y. Then I noticed I unplugged one and he other came on,. Vice versa too, both even with the Y plugged in one way…
The solution is porwerig before the split. Nw I don’t know what a ground is i electonic is exactly but al of them have (or the Edladdin Coleco PCB has 2) I’ve heard the term al the time in electronics, anf every electronic thing has one.
[details=“a possibvlilty is a power shortage due to splitting.”]
Currently there are multiple ground wires in one hole due to the colceo haviong 2
“grounds” (not sure it it’s proper to call them grounds when there are 2 of them.
) and having a button swapper where any wire could have any function, therefore either ground.
Al the other joysticks i see have the joystick in a single trail chained, all attached to one pin. This does not look electronically the same. If the Cthulhu is either over- or underpowererd, ad if the dreamcast is the only one that work, and the Dreamcast has difereent power conditions, then that makes sense.[/details]
What I think I need.
That means I need a (possibly Powered) collar that goes by the PCBN end, that has an 18-1 split and connects cosest to the PCB, and the other half runs into enough power of an 18 way splitter (extras are okay becuas emempty splits don’t lose power.