What if we want VF5R on PC? :sad:
post it anywhere you see fit, the more support the better.
the sega that releases vf5r for consoles in my mind is the same sega that supported pso for so long.
fucking sent.
Phucking sent!:nunchuck:
VF5r V.b+ Megamix coming 12/08.
SENT - Must have VF5R:tup:
Allright allright… i sent it.
I also request a PC version, heh.
I sent one in even though I don’t really care about this.
Sent request, here’s hoping :wonder:
Only time will tell… sent.
Thanks for the submissions guys.
Although, I thought a home version was guaranteed cuz I heard about how they brought back the VF4 Evo style training mode and whatnot.
Nothings guaranteed or announced. Only indication of a home release now is someone (who doesn’t have ANY say over home releases) saying: “I guess, if people are interested it could be possible.”
Where did you hear that?
VFDC. About a month ago.
Copying this from our most recent “why don’t more people play VF” thread…
It’s the first time I’ve heard about this. I don’t know if this has been posted on SRK at all before this point in time.
Basically a guy from VFDC is going to meet some Sega reps in person and, among other things, hand to them a bundle of printed letters from international players asking for a home port of VF5R.
If you like Virtua Fighter, please click that link and write a quick letter to Sega in his thread. Or a long one, if you can spare the time.
doubt this will happen, especially if tekken vs vf will be announced this year.
Doubt that will happen either. Sad thing is, it has a higher chance of happening Already put in a letter the last week btw, deadfrog.
Yeeeap, I’m not putting any real hope into this, but it’s really cool of that guy to try, and I sure as heck don’t want to let him go in looking like a fool with only three and half letters or something. :lol: