Wanna make some cash? Find a Poison player Thread

PSN: Mr_Flowers_-

Have you guys made a PSN chatroom for Poison /USF4?

Flowers pls…you know this place has the only chat that matters :stuck_out_tongue: http://blockstring.com/forum/

XBL: MetsuGadoken

I main Sakura, so I can help you with the match up, but I’ve been playing a lot of Poison in ultra.

Mostly looking for European players

Genistar is right about Rose vs Rose being horrible (my main). Hawk vs Hawk is hilariously awesome though…

Anyway, I intend to rep Poison here on Vancouver Island. PS3. Tag - WitherAndFade

Any poison players in the UK? just picked up the character and would be great to see what i am missing from my game.

I’m from the Netherlands, my connection is usually good against UK players, so if you can’t find any UK poison players you can add me if you want.

Sure man, I don’t know what the skill gap will be like since i have just picked her up but i’m down for some games. I’ll add you when i get a little later