My vote on the name goes to either “The Podcast” or “Down-Right Fierce.”
Also, if these are going to be a regular feature (and I hope they are), can we get an iTunes link so that I don’t have to constantly check the front page for announcements.
Will download, will listen, will probably be cool, but yeah. Please at least make an rss feed so we can automagically have it downloaded and placed in our portable music listening device of choice so I’ll actually remember to listen since it’ll actually be on the list of pre-recorded internet radio shows along with all the others I’m subscribed to. Too many times I’ll download an Alphaism, only to forget that it’s even in the ipod. And odds are I’d be more likely to check the front page if something’s mentioned in the podcast, not the other way around. Just sayin’.Thanks in advance Ski and Keits for attempting to do this on the regular.
I think a sweet tagline for the show would be something along the lines of “Hit and block, sit and talk.” Maybe “Hitting, blocking, sitting, talking.” Could use some work but there’s gold in there.
How hot do you guys want to make this? Because you could really melt some cheese with this thing.
If you start hosting debates on the show, you can have the mediator say “Activate!” just before you let a participant go off about something, and then “Snapback!” right before any counter-points or rebuttals are made. If somebody has absolutely been broken in an argument, announce that their guard has been crushed. We have so many awesome terms for this sort of stuff that are built right into the community.
I would also encourage the liberal (over)use of sound bytes (like the proper sound effects for these things) and constant jungle drum tracks playing softly in the background while people are trying to talk. Or [media=youtube]caaV7cLtm1k[/media].
We need a logo, and while our temporary one is nice, I’m sure someone out there can knock this out of the park. Send your submission to
I’m seriously considering buying MBAA now. I’ve played it once and it was pretty fun, I’ll definitely be watching the EVO stream for some Melty action just to see what the game is really all about.