Vote mvc2 for evo 2010

The EXACT same thing can be said about Marvel. Block block block, someone gets launched and that’s 90%, if not dead. It’s not really a valid argument. And Tekken will always be around. That’s why you see billions of vids and tourneys on YouTube, and the Koreans travel over here for big Tekken tournaments frequently.

And at the same time, without sponsors, Evo doesn’t happen at all. Pick your poison.

Without having the best games… having sponsors isn’t worth much… you can sponsor banging two fuckin rocks together… but that doesn’t mean it will be a contest of skill… or that people will want to watch.

Round 1:
*becomes anyone of 1/2 the tekken cast and OTG low shorts this thread into submission for 28 seconds strait."

Round 2:
“pins thread against invisible wall and does jab, jab, fwd for 21 seconds strait”

Playing what’s hot at the time makes perfect sense from a business/community growth standpoint. Evo gets bigger with every scene it draws in.

BUt y’all should still vote and vote often for Marvel.

Yep. I figured as much, but I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. You know what it’s like to listen to someone who obvioulsy has no idea what they’re talking about, yet they prattle on endlessly like they’re king shit?

That’s you. And we’re supposed to be on the same side here.

Marvel didn’t win but it’s still going to be at Evo this year!

How in the hell did god damn Melty Blood win this shit.

Consider my mind boggled.

It still lives for another year, so that’s good.

I’m hoping this will help start something bigger for Marvel.

No honestly they are called jokes… “king shit”? Thats pretty funny.

Yes I’m obviously bias against tekken 6… thats not really the point. The point is the truth… which is that within 1 year the number of tekken 6 players will drop by 95% as those fair weather gamers move on to wtver else is hot at the time. That’s just how it is. We’ve see it before from other games… especially other tekken games.

How does it help evo to cater to this mentality when the entire thing… year after year… has been built upon these other games?

Picking what’s hot at the moment will work for games like sf4… that are gonna stick around for many years… but it’s not the same for those short lived games… like tekken, blazeblue, melty… yada… I’m not saying these games shouldn’t be there… just that if you have to choose… don’'t choose the short lived ones…

I’m personally of the feeling that it should not be all that hard to get a couple more screens, couple consoles, and a lil bit of floor space to make these tourneys happen.

Man, Marvel got in due to the graciousness of the BB community and the Cannons not making another Guilty Gear mistake. Stop being so Mortons, especially when T6 is/was getting a lot of shine amongst all walks of the fighting game community. This EVO has made me the most hype in years, because there’s such a variety of new games that can hopefully become the Marvel, 3s, ST, and CvS2s of the new generation. If they do well, then that’s great, and the scene gets some much needed new blood. If they don’t, then we have the stalwarts to fall back on until the new games get their shit together. Change is good.

The tournament is called EVO, short for Evolution. Not giving new games a chance because they’re “flash in the pan” or “fairweather games” is the exact opposite of that. You know what happens to things that don’t partake in evolution? They go extinct.

Get the crotchety old man dick out your mouth.

this thread is gold but you should take it to the poll thread where it’ll get more views imo

son, im sorry, your tekken ranting is off. just leave tekken out your argument. lol. your blatantly bias like you have already said. tekken is one of the most popular fighting game franchises in the entire world. tekken will always be an evo staple when it can be. it only gets thrown off at times because of how often they continue to release new shit, unlike some other companies, and sometimes the console releases conflict with what people want to play at the moment. dr had a minimal showing because tk6 had been out, and had changed so much, nobody gave a shit anymore, because we were like, fuck learning this old shit, when the new shit has changed so much. we had been playing the 5 series in general for a minute. anyways, leave tekken out of it. continue. :slight_smile:

yay marvel!!! moral of the story is if you play marvel even if you lose, you win!

I’m done really fighting about it. I don’t care what games DO make it in… so long as the classics aren’t getting the shaft basically.

wheres mvc2 roundhouse at? going to warzone again? wheres ironscrub lol!