Vids of Day 1 Evo matches?

any progress on getting these vids up?

sorry for changing the subject but what server are you on now? i was on nerzhul with you and cole bfore you quit.

im back on tich, facekick - horde

On another tangent, I just got the new Arcadia magazine(Japanese arcade game mag). It has a bunch of coverage of SBO in it, including some pics of Graham and Alex! I can’t read much japanese, but it appears to talk about “Team Wolfe” beating Oto-Chun’s team and who knows what else.

Congrats again Graham and Alex…you’re famous! :wgrin:

So does anyone know exactly who filmed the footage of day 1?
anyone i can message on srk?


When you mention day 1 do you mean Friday or Saturday?

Friday was day 1 at Evo. Saturday was day 2 which had ST prelims and semi-bracket. Sunday was day 3 with finals for all games.

We taped footage on all 3 days. Chris doesn’t remember seeing you on day 1. He knows he saw you on day 2 but not sure what footage he taped from casuals /prelims/ semis.

I spoke to Chris last weekend and he told at this time he can’t encode the vids because his editing software can’t recognize the codec.

I haven’t experimented with encoding vids from off my camera yet myself. I hope to see what I can do this weekend.

Yeah I did some video editing a while back and i know that codecs were an annoyance. What I found were some programs only recognized certain codecs, but there are a few ‘free’ online programs that can read nearly any codec. Ask him to look online for video viewing software, ill try to dig up the name of the program I used to view some strange videos from rare sources.


FWIW, I’ve found that VLC can read/play just about anything. You can get it here:

Also, here’s a codec pack that has just about every format imaginable:

That’s what I thought but VLC won’t play the files my camera produces. :sweat:

VLC will try to play them for 2-3 seconds without sound and then it crashes. It has happened on 2 separate machines :sad:

any progress with these vids?

i think it is safe to say we arent going to get any vids


Sorry for letting people down. I still haven’t checked out the Evo footage that Chris has. The only new thing we discovered is that the PS3 can play the raw footage.

Nohoho has volunteered to encode the footage, if we can supply it to him.

Thanks please do, i look so forward to seeing it

The originals files from my camcorder are huge. I taped my match with Justin Wong last Saturday, we played 5 games and it ran for exactly 7 minutes. The size of the file was over 350MB. I’m not sure of the quality at the moment but I’m sure it was HD.

The beauty of the codec though is it will scale down to play on a standard set. (I own a 6+ yr old 28" CRT :bluu: ) It will look a bit stretched out though for it was meant to be shown on a 16:9 display.



Sorry to necro this ancient thread, but did the vids of Graham’s matches (at Evo 2007) ever get posted?