Soul Calibur 6
Resident Evil 2 RE-Make
Capcom Classics HD collection
Evil Within 2
Sunset Overdrive 2
Days Gone (new trailer/gameplay)
Last Of Us 2 (new trailer)
Fromsoft new title
That only really applies to their fighters. While the difficulty ease HAD been leaking into their other properties, in the past couple of years they’ve reversed the trend.
The game was never intended to be an easy game. It was just a 3rd person action adventure game that revolutionized “stylish” hack n slash games.
But thats really a moot point because the appeal in DMC was how heavily influenced the system was from fighting games. Jump cancels, buffering and cancels gave the system freedom that other games in its genre only hope to dream of having, ie: God of War.
I mean. DMC was supposed to be easier and mainstream and we see how terrible that was. Also, Devil May Cry isnt even hard so lol…novice players get rekt in everything. Part of the reason I recently dipped into the SoulsBorne community in the last few years.
A lot of.people like the difficult inputs. I certain do, success in those games isn’t reliant upon them. half of why DmC was so boring was I maxed out on its combo potential in a couple days because it was all so brain dead easy to do.
But that doesnt even make any sense brother. Nier Automata has an auto combo button and doesnt have jump cancels and its still leagues ahead of what DmC attempted to accomplish by make an accessible action game without the “cluster fuck arbitrary inputs”. The game can be played by a 13 year old and yet the system has enough depth so you CAN be stylish and have cluster fuck arbitrary inputs.
Why you would want something different in this genre of games is mind boggling TBH.
You can be stylish in DMC without a single jump cancel, which is the primary combo extender for launchers and it lets you extend air combos. But thats literally pretty much it.
Then there are some other niche techniques such as buffering attacks during the animation of other attacks or, “tiger knee” attacks off the ground to speed up gunshots, or switching weapons to cancel animations but again, nothing about that is arbitrary and meaningless. It gives utility and freedom to take on a battle how you see fit.
A hack n slash system that gives you options and is accessible by all level of gamers is what Platinum Studios has successfully achieved. They took the template that Capcom created and ran into the ground and now they carry the torch.
To think we would have a gaming culture that actually defends what DmC is and stands for is really a critical blow to the fantasy of going back to a time where games gave you a challenge and didnt hold your hands all the way through.
Talks about their upcoming VR plans among other things. Main thing is Spencer mentioning that the ’ next big wave of first party hits’ will be at E3 as means of reiterating on the renewed focus on their first party stuff.
Also Halo 6 won’t be at E3 but apparently 343i has something else to show
Updated OP conference times. Realized that a couple of the conference times I had up were off or had typos and fixed it along with putting Nintendos stuff up. Will check on it again once I have an actual computer since SRK decided to freeze on my phone and make me put stuff in twice.
My favorite thing about DMC4 Dante was cycling through styles and weapons mid combo. I started to come up with some really crazy shit before I got tired of it