The thing about the Resident Evil 2 Remake is that depending on how the Tyrant thing goes, the idea of implementing Nemesis in a Resident Evil 3 Remake is just awesome to think on.
Nemesis in RE3 Remake would be insane…well it depends. If REmake3 is just gonna be more or less same game, new visuals and etc. But still have that old school horror style stuff, then the Nemesis shit would be familiar.
But say if it was more along the line of a RE4/Revelations then shiiiet that shit would be SCARY as fuck having Nemesis jump outta nowhere yelling out STARS.
I remember one night me and a homie were chillin and he was playing RE3. He entered a room, and mind you this room was smallish, and seemed like a safe room and all of a sudden Nemesis just runs up and you don’t see him until it’s too late due to the pre rendered background shit lol and my friend literally screamed in fear and paused the game and shielded his face from the tv. Lmaooo
The reaction will depend on how Sony handles it and if they put up some type of upgrade program. You can expect the normal deals from the gamestop or whatever but if Sony themselves has something in the pipeline then it could be great.
I don’t think it will blow the masses away though, A system that just may make some games slightly better doesn’t do much, especially if those benefits won’t be apparent in every game.
i’m curious about the NX more than anything else,mostly because Nintendo has been screwing up so much
in recent times you’d think they are on Sega’s path to glory (†).
Wonder if the NX will be able to restore some faith.
As for ps4.5 i’ll probably upgrade later on if i see that there are noticeable differences in how ps4 games run.
edit : which i very much doubt , btw.