Video Game General 3.0 - You know what should come back? Pre-rendered backgrounds!




Count me in.

I didn’t play the first one, but I wanted to… Looking forward to this.

just remembered how miyamoto kind of teased at pikmin 4.
god i hope so, i played pikmin 3 like 3 times back to back.

As hype as Vanquish 2 reveal is part of me wants it to be Xbone exclusive and filled with PreLC just so Po kills himself and we don’t have to deal with him here anymore.

The Disney worlds is why draws me to the series. I haven’t given a fuck about any of the series original characters as of yet.

See. This is that shit I’m talking about.

Niggas love talking about me for no goddamn reason.

Since I was at work I need an update I the current pony up bets due to thread change. Is it still just The Last guardian?

And said worlds are criminally underutilized. Does it really matter which ones are going to make the cut when they’re all going to get the shaft anyway?


Didn’t the Director/Producer of Vanquish retire from the gaming industry? I guess Platinum called him up.

Would be pretty hype but I’d fear it’s going to be an exclusive.

Yes, because all Hell’s gonna break loose if Frozen is one of them.

The worlds we get matter to me, I don’t want another Nightmare Before X-Mas world, I hate those movies, and I would like to see worls from other movies represented, it would be fun to dick around in said worlds. Besides this is a console release, not a hand held like every game after II anyway, so chances are good the worlds will get the attention they did in KH1 and II.

Bring on Frozen Archipelago World.

If your’e mad about that, blame Disney as they’re the ones making sure that the worlds are how they are.

But honestly it’s fine. The way the Disney worlds are makes it easier to digest for people outside the series to just jump in and play the damn worlds. You don’t need to follow 5 consoles worth of story to go and beat the shit out of Rinzler.

Nah the Director was Shinji Mikami. He went on the form his own company and made The Evil Within. Inaba, who helped produce, is still at Platinum. Wonder if they are partnering up, or if the game will even be Vanquish 2.

Hyped for more Platinum either way.

Edit: Oh looking at their other few tweets, I won’t read too much into this. The MGR one is kind of similarly vague as far as relating it to E3 announcements.

Considering how active they’ve been on twitter in the last few days I almost want to say they’re about to whip out the entire playbook.

Street Fighter V Pre E3 screenshots

Can’t wait to see what else you got for us Ono.

Wow Street Fighter 5 looks a LOT better now. Doesn’t look like SF 4.5 much anymore. I’m guessing the pc verison will have 4k resolution support. But that really doesn’t matter too much to the human eye vs 1080p does it?

Street Fighter 3 was updated four times, not three.

Platinum isn’t dropping hints on the unannounced game, either. I wish for more Vanquish as well.

Yea I forgot about Version B since no one plays it.