We’re not meeting up next week at all due to the holiday season. Week after that we’re getting right back on it.
Yes, we got that one dude from SnC trying to main Viper :rolleyes:
hey guys, since you guys have no meet ups next, you guys should hit us up today! late at night tonight
LOL we’re having a meetup today actually ^^;
last night was tight yo…my bad i forgot sf4 for my xbox lol >_>
Next meet up is Tuesday because we figured we could pull one off this week lol
It’ll be at my pad so show up guys it’ll be fun.
IDK If i’ll be able to provide food this time though sorry >.>
And gg’s last night thank you for the pizza!
Elvis stick to that Bison bro LOL
dont trip on food. everyone bring there own food. gg last night. i never want to see a sagat vs sagat mirror match again. lol
lol i was just hoping elvis would admit to it but i guess he never will
This tuesday, wow that was fast.
If I can cut the lag like i think i can on my hdtv, I’ll bring it.
Well yeah we weren’t going to do anything this week but we got together on Saturday and someone brought up tuesday. LOL Why not?
And if you bring that setup cool, but even your SD is good so I’m cool either way.
What time tomorrow?
how was saturdays meet? did you guys get more people to come out?
not really. saturday was a lot more chill. brent forgot his sf4 for so we only had one set up for 6 people. we are having one tomorrow tuesday which should be a decent turnout. its at lonewolfs house.
Hey, I moved to Merced,CA a while back, just got back on SRK. I know Victorville isnt real close, but is this the closest to my area?
heck no bro. merced, ca is a 5 hour drive from victorville. your in norcal. im pretty sure if you go in another section like pacific north, im sure you will find many casuals in norcal there.
your way up there by turlock, modesto right?
if so there should be some places that’s much closer to you than Victorville like in San Jose.
here is the link for pacific north http://forums.shoryuken.com/forumdisplay.php?f=23 you should be able to find something much closer to you there.
yeah, near Turlock and Modesto. I was told my area was Central Cali so I wasnt sure if I was closer to NorCal or SoCal.
Thanks guys. U may be 5 hours away, but close enough that I might run into some of you in tournaments, or maybe get some games on Xbox live in HDRemix. If any of you want to play some HDRemix just hit me up.
Thanks again
Tuesday at 3 guys.
I’ll be there for sure!!!
ill hopefully be there…