VF5FS Stream/ Match/ Combo Video thread


Vanessa combo video. Exploring combo potential against all sizes, different combo starters, oki set ups, wall juice and more.

Comments and critiques are always welcomed.

Live stream of New York VF players, worth checking… http://www.twitch.tv/nyc_vf

PART - 07


I stream VF here every morning @ 8m until whenever i heave to leave http://www.twitch.tv/8105monster

Here a couple of matches of the last tourney I was in:



NYC VF Crew is streaming LIVE now, matches are always good and the commentary is pretty funny. Check it out…

NYC guys are streaming Live again, Rodnutz on stream this week!! http://www.twitch.tv/nyc_vf#/w/3653771664?utm_campaign=twitch_favorite_up&utm_content=&utm_medium=cms_email&utm_source=20120402en

Holy shit that’s a long url. But a 3v3 going on in Japan.

Hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:


First to 10 win MM Tricky vs Tony very hype fight with three videos to pic from to watch. I prefer the DBZ version. If you watch chibiaya’s make sure to skip to the 30 min mark. If you want to hear some great commentary about what’s going on wat the bottom version. It has the highest quality picture, but lacks the raw hype of dbz version and chibiaya’s.


chibiaya version


Flash/Shang/Denkai commentary version


This is a hefty 30-min video which features only a small beginning portion of what amounted to an around 6-hour online set of room matches. At this point, in the room was myself (one of the last of the bastion of US Sarah players T_T ), my VF sensei and VF4 O.G. STL Tm (who is one of the best Lions in the US), and the player currently and unquestionably known as the best VF’er in the western hemisphere, GentlemanThief.

Now featuring alot of Yakuza OST music! SPOILER ALERT: GT wins. Alot.


3.5 hours of Japanese matches.

Live right now, getting down to the last players. Around $16 of prize money on the line!

Recent Tokyo Bay Area Cup Vol 5

Sega Cup Europe Warm Up tournament:

Grand Finals:

Sega Cup Europe is starting soon: http://www.twitch.tv/unequalledmedia

ShinyBrentford’s one handed challenge

Libertine vs. Blackula
Sunday Night R.A.W. #3