Vega (Claw)

No, I’m pretty sure Zangief can do his 3P lariat on wakeup against the claw roll. Maybe someone can test this but for some reason I swear that works.

As for Zangiefs Lariat question, it will knock Vega on his ass if vega does a jab roll.

And by any chance could anyone post any advice on how Claw can handle Blanka, Honda, and Balrog? Any tips and advice would be super helpful, thanks!

vs blanka, just c.lp, mp all day.

he cant do much against it

Any advice for handling Chun Li? thx

chun has one zone where she can jump in at you, thats when she is near you and you’re not charged, too close to jump straight up and fierce and if you’re not charged you cant flip kick which is the only counter at this range. What does this mean? dont let her get you in that range. Stay close and charged, if she fireballs, jump at her. poke with low strongs. Slide to move in on her and sometimes hit her as she tries to fireball. Basically you play close turtle style if possible. Imo its advantage vega that matchup.

Some claw questions:

  1. What’s good to do on a dizzy or punish situation? Ive been doing just a jump fierce into a crouch forward or strong, but Id be surprised if better didnt exist.

  2. Is it worth it to use the wall dive and MISS, like as a positional mixup? Like a runaway tactic? When ive been wall diving and trying to connect a lot, I like to mix in an intentional whiff, but a lot of times it seems Im still vulnerable.

  3. I know a lot of tricks for the wall dive SLASH, like the cross, not cross, which wall to go to, etc etc… ut any tips on LANDING the wall dive THROW? Mainly Im asking because of the super. Is it a “the threat is stronger than the execution” thing where I can expect to land a lot of slashes on people scared of the throw?

  4. If I time my flip kick reversal perfectly every time, is there anything that should beat it?

  5. Are there any key matchups a claw player should know about? Like ones he either has a lot of problems with or should win for free?

On a dizzy, I prefer to try a fierce Claw Roll as they are getting up. My goal is to try to get the last three-four hits, which includes the part where he sticks out the claw to combo. The key is getting the claw part to hit, it is the most damaging. Otherwise, try a throw or wall dive I guess.

Typically for me, other reversal specials can beat the flipkick. I don’t have any frame data to back this up, but I’ve lost out to DPs going at it at the exact same time.

Key matchups? Depending who you ask, Honda is a tough one for Vega and to me his only badly deficient matchup. You kinda gotta out turtle Honda here, but unfortunetly he has more options to out turtle you. You must be spot-on hitting your flip kicks to counter his sumo headbutt should he go for it. Otherwise your best shot is to get a knockdown, then go for crossover wall dive stuff. The crossover is vital because it can turn Honda around and make him lose the charge for his headbutt.

Some say Bison is a tough matchup too, but I like to take advantage of the fact Bison has no wake up reversal by pounding him with wakeup stuff such as dives, meaty clawrolls, and ticks. In this match is seems whoever gets on top of who first wins.

Besides that, Vega seems to do at worst alright against every other character. Chun can give him trouble, but so can vice versa. Shoto and Sagat matchups to me seem more dependant on the players. Vega is the one character can do well against Sim, very well VS Guile, and to me Blanka, Zangief, Hawk are almost free wins.

Can you tell me more about. I ALWAY have problems with Vega vs. Blanka.

This matchup gave me trouble too for a while. Once you learn it though you’ll get better at it.

Charge back/Walk backward the whole round. If he balls, you can either flip kick through it, try one of the other counters suggested, or block, take a small step forward, standing fierce. Sounds basic, but this one strategy of stting there with Vega is good enough. Eventually, especially if you have a lead, he has to try something to come to you.Funny, cause doing anything else can be trouble with Blanka. Wake up balls or electricity can stop cross over wall dives. If the Blanka is good at wake up balls, it can stop doing meaty Claw Rolls on top of him. Just keep him out and wear him down. Don’t go into his meathouse.

In the original everything ST thread DSP broke this match down pretty good and it helped me out. See if you can find it somewhere.

keep him at bay with c.lp and to wear him down and use the slide occasionally…

the only thing he can do from there is whiff a blanka ball from a distance to get in and into the crossup lk and/or throw since vegas c.lp/ beats pretty much everything blanka throws at him on the ground.

when you do get crossed up, that means trouble since vega has no real anti air against it. also his throw range is much greater than yours and has a lot of nasty setups afterwards so do anything to not let him get in.

dont try the wall dive crossup shenennigans against him. its very easy for him to upball or even electricity you out of it almost every time.

I’ll try to find that thread… Thanks!


This has been one of my harder match ups.
I have not played this match ups enough to figure out what to do.
Good info.

  • Rep for you guys.

Hey guys. I’ve been reading a lot of these strategy threads on Vega, and one of his major strong points seems to be being able to ‘store’ his Super Special Move.

My point being, all I’ve got to play on is SF: Anniversary Edition, and I’ve tried storing Vega’s super with no avail.

Was this a glitch that they fixed in Anniversary Edition? Or am I just not getting the motion out right?




I’ve been looking for a while, and I haven’t found anything.


his super never had the store glitch only Chun & Honda.

Oh, well thanks then.

Do you know if Chun and Honda’s work in AE then?

lol I know, kind of redundant.


Yeah the stored specials/supers work as long as you hold the start button when selecting Super Turbo as your play style.

You know that works for the old versions of characters too. Like if you wanted O. Fei Long you’d hold start while selecting Super as your play style.

I don’t know why they did the stupid “codes” like that but whatever. At least they made the option available I guess. :smile:

What good would storing Vega’s super do anyway? Lol.
Not like it’s instant or anything.

exactly. I mean his super aint that great. It either hits or not lol.

Is O.Claw any good? Since his super is like not too great, is there an advantage of using O.Claw?

I’d be really surprised if jump in :hp:, cr:mk: , cr:mk: , cr:mp: doesn’t do more damage.

P.S. Vega is lame, pick someone else.

I bet Nowhereman was alluding to the fact that Vega doesn’t use up his meter unless he actually connects his super in original ST. Anyhow… I think this is fixed in AE and can be fixed in ST via dip switches. With the fix his meter is used up as soon as he bounces off the wall (which decreases the usefulness of the super by a large margin as far as I’m concerned.)

Can’t believe no one picked up on that. I don’t even play Vega and I know it…