s.mp, cr.lp, mk, mk is definitely universal.
Ok yeah, I see now. Like KitL19 said you really have to delay the cr.lp on big characters. <br><br>And I came up with a ghetto fail-safe option-select:<br><br>cr.lp, s.mk~s.mk~cr.hk<br><br>This will be a life saver for me. I wonder why I never thought about it before.<br>
edit: stupid youtube. re-uploaded. Sorry about that.<br><br>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnCo65H7SNY<br>.<br>
btw zUkUU has finished frame data for Christie:<br><br>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0Ahj9eopeop0SdDltVUdvbWx4ZjFUMWNBRW1mdmFwUEE&f=true&noheader=false&gid=54<br><br>It looks like MP/HP DAS are better than I thought (+2). And the last hit of Heran Bago is supposedly +5 (wat). I’ve managed to make cr.lp a true blockstring but I had no luck with s.lk so I dunno. <br><br>So yeah, like we already knew MP/HP DAS, HS Front Stinger, s.lp and the last hit of Heran Bago are Christie’s best moves in terms of frame advantage and what you should use to frame trap.<br><br>
I spotted an error on far st.mk It says it whiffs on crouching but it hits vs every character I tested…
I think there’s a mistake with EX Wheel Kick. I haven’t found any “full invulnerability” on it…
Correction: Apparently, from frames 5-14 it’s invulnerable…? Not sure what use that would have. Maybe some frame trap type stuff?
Or doing it after blocking a DP > tag cancel for some big happy birthday damage…if you have the meter?
I don’t know what kind of invulnerability it is but it doesn’t seem like it could be very useful.
It’s not hard to hit Christie out of it, I tried to time it as so that the first or second hit would hit meaty but even then it still loses to other invincible reversals so what’s the point. It’s probably just the throw invulnerability and partial low crush.
edit: best setup I found for it so far is: Sweep > dash, whiff s.lp, EX Wheel Kicks. The first hit will be invincible to high/low normals (it seems) but still lose or trade vs invincible reversals. This doesn’t make it hit meaty, it leaves a gap where they can press buttons (in which case they will lose). Note: only the first hits are going to catch backdash. You have to switch cancel if you want to juggle on backdash.
Thoughts on christie point? Is she able to function to her full potential there? I love playing lili and christie is one of my favourite characters so running them together i think would be awesome
I have a few questions for the post-2013 patch.
What are some safe blockstrings I can use with Christie? Anything particularly good on wake-up for people who like to throw meaty attacks or cross-up jump-ins? Right now, my Oki game isn’t bad, but I’m having the same trouble I have with all other characters I’ve tried: I have a hard time getting in, keeping pressure and not getting punished by someone mashing cr.LP or cr.MK. I keep resorting to just jump MK or jump HK, depending on the arc, for starting pressure and confirms. People seem to back me into corners, too, but that’s partially a confidence issue and unfamiliarity with the character. I just recently figured out how to cancel handstand quickly, I still can’t cancel stinger into handstand consistently enough, aaaaand that’s about it that I can think of.
Honestly, because I play Christie/Heihachi, I rely on Christie to get a single confirm into boost. Once I get the knockdown with Hei, two more touches tend to win me a match. I just don’t want Hei to be putting in all the work. Lol.
Can someone please explain how to do her stance feints? its been mentioned a couple times but never a clear explanation of them…ive tried TK but cant get it
you mean qcf+k~u?
What are her actual blockstrings in this game? AFAIK she has no way to safely hitconfirm because all her specials leave a gap or are unsafe.
Also, new SRK layout looks like fucking trash.
Double Arm Stinger is an interesting case given that LP doesn’t leave a gap but MP and HP do. So you can train people to respect the LP option and opt for MP and HP during block strings for the +2 frame advantage.
That being said, I thought Gancho Chibata (far mk > mk) was a block string and even if it wasn’t you can poke with it so far and confirm into any of your specials from it.
Negativa to Armada is a block-string and is special cancel-able. It is also -8 on block. However, the Armada to Rastelia follow-up is 0 on block but is not special cancel-able.
You can be jabbed out between st.mk and cr.hk unfortunately.
This lets you hit confirm from a cr.lp into a combo and if blocked continue into Rastelia to make it safe.
So that would leave cr.lp st.mk xx LP Stinger as her only “true” blockstring, right? Everything else I had already knew about there, but thanks anyways.
Which move do you guys think is most reliable against projectiles? Aside from being really unsafe, I feel like the fact she has to sit there and respect even the lesser threatening fireballs is her biggest liability. I wished Capcom would they had taken her fff+3 slide from Tekken and put it in this game so she could dip under hadoukens and such much like Elena’s df.hk. That would have been really dope.
I believe her Hp wheel kick is projectile invincible. Many times I would predict a Jin fireball for the safe tag out and go through them to hit him and start up the mixup game again
Part of my In the Lab series, Guy X Christie combos and tech:
Maybe this isn’t new tech, but I just figured out that after a launch you can do:
cr.HP (90 dmg), HCB+LP (80 dmg), walk forward, f+HK (90 dmg) tag cancel right after first hit -> partner combo.
This is one of her most damaging juggle extenders, besides the ones that use her handstand helicopter. And, unlike her helicopter tag combos which leave her on screen even after you tag cancel (preventing her from tagging back in to extend combos longer), this juggle extender lets her tag back in.
Also, call me late, but I JUST realized that the strength of the kick you use to do handstand determines how long she stays in handstand. So, ignore the last sentence in my above post. If you use LK handstand, she leaves the screen fast enough for you to tag her in again.
Don’t know if anyone is looking for some christie tech with xiaoyu but here it is little bit hard in the beginning but yeah good tech I think