USFIV Poison frame data thread

I’m concerned that its range is so bad that a lot of the things that are -2 that it potentially should be threatening won’t even be close enough to punish.

2012 Guy is 0.98.


It’s very, very specific.

Unless you’ve tested it as a punish in training beforehand… you’ll probably whiff it due to pushback. Man, I hate when that happens…

Poison’s forward dash sucks, but I guess I’m supposed to be backdashing instead.

Guy’s Ultra 2 in the apps says this in the notes. Active in 1 frame if used as a reversal, 1~3f Invincible, hard knockdown.

The actual data has it’s start up as 0+1 with 2 active frames. They however don’t list the throw range… -_-’

I’ve at least seen it punish Abel’s EX roll and most slides. You can rekka rekka red focus into U2 as well. (1:16 in this video)

Dudley did his overhead on my wakeup, not even max range, just not as close as he could have been. I did U2 on wakeup. It whiffs. /wrists
Any other grab ultra in the game would have caught it… But not Poisons!

Who cares when u1 is soo good

I think the main discouraging thing here is that the main combo routes from her normals are both 1 frame links. Both cr. LP to s. MK and close s. LK to cr. HK.

It seems like she’s designed around footsies with that amazing cr. MK and cr. LK to hit confirmed rekkas.

C.jab to is one frame?

I honestly never noticed.

I use,, xx rekka as my go to bnb currently. I’m a huge fan of LMT as a starting hit

her cr mp on paper seems quite good compared to cr mk - better active frames and recovery and less disadvantage on block. cr. mk seems only slightly better in range and that it hits low. i feel like cr. mp would be better in block strings/frame traps but i don’t see people using it that much

Cr MK is still a great poke, and its more offensive. But cr MP is a great button too, i used it more defensively to abuse the active frames

I think all of Poisons normals are useful but they require precision of choice, similar to Chun.

I’m amazed at, 5f, long range, special cancellable. I have nothing bad to say other than focus bait.

Someone should add this to her wiki!

HK DP doesn’t have any invincibility?

Her overhead is unsafe on hit? I have even been thrown once I landed - seems like SFxT all over again.

LMT is also unsafe on block - Highly disappointed about that one - I have tried to neutral jump to avoid being throw, but this is undesirable in the long run (I even think throw teching is not desirable -Poison is not really “safe” either way). Outside of EX She doesn’t really seem to have many moves that give her advantage on block? The only thing I can think of is trying to measure the distance of LMT so that Poison nicks her opponent with the tip of her heels so that she is out of range of being thrown when she lands (sort of defeats the purpose of going over fireballs though).

If there is a possible patch update when retail version gets released, I do hope they make LMT a little safer on block - if not her rush-down game seems rather watered-down?

I also don’t like her walk speed - she feels so “heavy”.

I’m reading LMT is -1 on block and EX is +2. I’ve having been punished yet.

Woah woah woah. … -1is beautiful for a forward moving projectile invincible move with either a hard knockdown or follow up combo potential. First off it has several active frames and it’s a move that travels a distance and it’s -1 first hit, for example if you do it right at the start of the round and they block, it hits meaty and your plus frames. Also the distance you are left is out of -1 punishes usually. Also if you follow up with a jab and the opponent doesn’t have a 3 frame jab, your now even at least. Throw in a few dps after a blocked one and that can keep them honest


Seems that way.

@eccomancer It’s not unsafe, it’s -1, as others have said. You get to cr. LP all you want. Yes, they can reversal, but you just block. Yes, they can throw you or 3-frame jab you, but Ultra 2 blows that right up.

I didn’t think about U2 after LMT on block, gonna try that later. Love U2 but can’t justify it over U1, even in a red focus combo the damage is only slightly more.

Honestly if u had u1 and did a ex dp fadc u1, you would have won, or been safe if the ex dp fadc was blocked, and still had 1 bar for a potential ex rekka> u1