USF4 | PC Custom Skin Thread

Didint knew that… i will look into it right now.

Already did. Thx for the warn

Edit: what i can’t find is the color 11 and 12 for all the charas. Onlyones with these colors are oni+evil ryu. I also have to pay for this? or is free?
Edit2: already modifyd and works GR8! i can use all the costumes! TYVVVM!

11& 12 for Yun & Yang too = AE
The other don’t, as we have no connection between SF4 & SSF4(AE) like consoles did.
I unlocked every colors with Cheat Engine (sorry can’t share that, I didn’t saved the table).


How did you find the addresses of the 11 and 12 colors?

its ok… i can unlock 1-10 colors easy. I care bout the 11 and 12… shame we cant have them :S i loved the 12 color effect

The charas Evil Ryu, Oni, Yun, and Yang already have them unlocked from the start.
(only on AE)

Theres any way to switch costumes without have to be renameing all the time the files for can use them… ? or any free program for do the job for me? (like some macro or something)
Kinda borred had to be changing the names of the files for can use certain costume.
Or any way to let 1 expecific color with the costume N°2 for example (?


Don’t act like you guys don’t want to see pigs fly in this game.

I want to c pigs flying xD

You’ll have to buy the DLC, that’s the point of it, giving you access to 4 costumes slots.
The renaming method is just a preview, you’ll be the only one to see them online.
You can’t use 2 costumes at the same time without buying the DLC, as the files take the same spot.
We won’t discuss DLC workaround, as it’s considered hacking/pirating the DLC.

About pigs flying, don’t we already have Rufus?

Thanks very much for the info sensibeat.
I can see this is not the place for talk about it, i will keep looking into it on google tho.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

The problem is that the values are 0 and 1, they don’t go higher, so it’s hard to find them…
That’s why I asked the user above how did he find them.

Sorry I don’t understand your question, I didn’t have to find the 11 & 12 as they are already unlocked for the AE characters and they don’t exist for the SSF4 ones.

So I only had to unlock colors 3 to 10 for SSF4 characters.

So, since you’re all already posting the mods, I’ll post my SFIV conversion of Juli:

And here’s a preview for a Ibuki mod I’m doing:

Is there a costume/taunt/title/icon unlocker like there was for original SFIV?

If you buy the DLC, does that unlock the ability to drop costumes into their own “alt x” selection? Or is that never possible because it would make it easy to pirate the outfits?

It would be so much cleaner than overwriting the default colors.

C2Q -nah most agree were actually gonna support Capcom and buy the costume pack since they priced it so low for PC - 15 bux for everything 100+ costumes.
IceBreaker - NICE new mod!
and I’m posting another converted from my “best of Vanilla” collection: Silk Dress
Credit: Fome

I didn’t mean costume sorry, I meant colour/taunt/title/icon. lol.
Yeah the costume pack is really well priced, not really interested in an unlocker for that.

Thanks man!

There’s some things remaining. I would like to decrease the size of her skirt and other things, but I don’t remember how to do transparencies, and I don’t know if the old tutorial can be used for AE.

Btw, can you or someone help me with this?

And about the costumes, I agree. I think we all should buy the DLC. Capcom are selling it for a very cheap price. 103 costumes for just 14$. That was the price for a handful of costumes in SFIV. lol

I LOVD THEM! no download link? :frowning:
How you do them btw? theres any tutorial of how made this around here? (was lf but only found about street fighter IV and no the SSIV version) IF any chance u could add me to msn ( and xplain me how to make all this things, or any quick guide u could gimme.
I have alot of time to spend right now, and i really like do all these customizations things xD

Off question: If i buy the game, i have access to all internet features, or i most also have windows live account?
(i never buy a game since ages… even before this windows live thing came in, and was wondering about this)

Transparency should still be done basically the same way (hex edit, add ‘alphatest’). Check out sensibeat’s col-based transparency tutorial from the wiki for details. Really, pretty much all of the tutorials should still work, since the engine hasn’t changed that much.

That Ibuki mod is looking really good, too.

No, if you buy the costume pack, it gives you 3 additional costume slots beyond the original, standard costume. You can replace any/all of them with mods, but you’re still limited to 4.

so, has there been any bison cape mods oorrrr?

i want my caped bison back so bad :frowning: