USF4 controversy: What flavor would you prefer your LK Sobat?

“poor man’s scissor kick”

scissor kick goes over lows ;(

We’re talking a very poor man

I want to keep my low invul!!! I pressed the wrong button!!!

Imma miss DJ

I would take super lk sobat for 300 Alex

you know what’s going to blow? when i know volcanic akuma is going to do cr. mk > sweep block string, and my character has to eat it.

Or not being able to sobat bad guile sweeps

oh boy I must have punished the 2nd hit of a bad guile sweep tons of times. rip lk sobat.

yeah i feel like a lot of my whiff punishing has become similar. just fish with for it then cr. mp that punk’s low forward and get a super to ultra.

bro. bro. screw that. if you have a charge ultra that fool :smiley:

I’m gonna miss baiting and punishing Hakan’s and Ibuki full screen slide nonsense.

If you want to punish Guile’s sweep, in the PC mod you can do so with EX MGU. block the first hit just like you would with lk sobat punish, then EX MGU before the 2nd hit. Given both EX MGU are 6f and that’s going to be standard with the final build of Ultra, it’s safe to assume it’d work in Ultra as well. ORA ORA ORA ORA. #JoJoStyle

Why? If Ibuki does her slide at you it’s a free ultra.
On block, cr.jab xx EX MGU, Ultra 2.

loved it. lk sobat for conditioning random low pokes. i’m 95% sure we’re not getting it back, capcom probably thinks its too broken.

RIP lk sob