Thanks a lot bro’s! I was just facing a Bison and neutral jump saved my ass during the match! I caught him about 3 times when he whiffed his scissor kick with my neutral jump M.K and continued on with Akuma’s Bnb. I’m not sure that was what the neutral jump was intended for, but it sure worked!
My advice against Bison, learn how to punish everything. That will help you against the majority of Bison players.
The other thing to know is that you need to stay out of the LK Scissor kick’s 2 hit range. You either want to be in Bison’s face or outside of the 2 hit range. In that range Bison eats Akuma alive.
you got it, neutral jump beat knee press at the right time. Patience do the rest.
But that’s against not so good Dictatos that love to push it too much with random knee press crap.
Against good one, you’ll have to footsy more and the spacing will be the key.
Thanks for the info guys ! And yea I should try and stay of Bison’s LK, because I think that’s his best way to combo into the scissor kick. I also suck at footsies XD, so that’s something I need to work on.
For those of you who may not know, far st.HP destroys all Fei Long’s chicken wings. The best part is it doesn’t really require lightning fast reflexes from mid-screen. Not sure what happens if he does it real close but if he’s using it to get in over fireballs it’s very easy. Kind of similar to using it vs adon’s jaguar tooth but much easier to react to.
Just a side question, if anyone is willing to answer. Is Akuma best played on pad or stick?
doesn’t matter
But still I am tempted to get a stick since the best Akuma’s (Tokido and Infiltration) use them. It’s because I’m not sure if I am hindering my own ability by using a pad to play Akuma. I mean option selects are a bitch to do on pad! XD
Far st.hp rapes his chicken wings… just dont do em too late.
The same goes for a whiffed rekka… make him pay for fucking up a rekka.
I’ve always been under the impression the best tool against chicken wing has been to low profile it for a solid punish. Granted you’re not positioned at chicken wings max distance.
If you can’t react or think fast enough to OS on pad, then getting a stick won’t help you in the slightest. BTW fs.LP is great against rekkas as well.
It’s just that some OS are hard to do with the default settings, and I can’t change it because I’ll have to re-learn the buttons and where they are. Things like cancelled into the raging demon(anti - air) are hard on pad, and would be a hell of a lot easier on stick since it requires you to press buttons simultaneously.
The reason I find fs.hp so good is that as soon as you hear him squawk or flash yellow, you simply press the button. Bam. 90 damage. This was far better in previous games as it netted 120 damage but its stopping power remains unaffected.
It’s actually very easy, I can teach you how to do it, If you now how to plink. Do and plink lp wtih your 3P button and finish the inputs. I play on controller and I can do everything a stick player can do.
If you Keep hitting red focus you’re doing it wrong, if you can’t do that try
cr.lp, crlk,,
Ok, thanks a lot man! I’ll definitely try it! Also how do you instant fireball someone? That seems to be another thing that I can’t get right. If you know how, please show me the inputs!
You must mean Instant air-fireball, do the motion of Fei Longs Rekkukyaku (Chicken wing) and hit jab ; the longer you delay it the higher the air-fireball, but not to long of a delay because then it won’t come out and you will just get a punch.
Also those are Plinks in my first comment that’s how the input display should look like in that order which ever one you do and they come out together.
For all question that need answering and are not about his match-ups go here, this is a match-up thread. Your question will be answered faster .
Counter hit, far fierce
Most of the cast can be hit with lk tatsu after the fierce into DP for 339. Change what you cancel fierce with depending on the characters listed below for optimized damage.
Doesn’t work
End with hk tatsu
Fei Long
End with mk tatsu, DP
End with fireball
End with jab Dp
The following characters you can cancel fierce with mk/hk tatsu instead of lk tatsu for alittle less damage but 25-30 more points of stun.
Using mk tatsu, dp does 330 damage and 501 stun.
Hk tatsu, dp does 327 damage and 506 stun. This doesn’t work on Sakura, Viper or Guile.
E. Ryu
El Fuerte
Of the above listed except for Dan, Viper, and Rose you can do CH, s.fiercexx fireball fadc, fiercexx mk tatsu dp for 401 damage and 675 stun.
I’m lacking knowledge in this match up. DWU really affects me since I tend do use a lot of demon flip kick -> but now with DWUs, my kick will whiff and I get punished big time by Dudley. Also DF Palm doesn’t do me much either, after landing the first jab I throw out whiffs if he presses a button it’ll come out before my second jab (if this situation doesn’t occur, I get grabbed most of the time). I can’t seem to adjust my fighting style in USF4 to deal with DWU. I’ve seem threads saying that to deal with delay wake up can be bypassed by throwing in a jab before performing the setups, doesn’t really get to me that much. It seems to make my setups more obvious.
^ Who knew they could counterhit my sweep for a free 350dmg combo ~ (:
I would normally switch to E.Ryu in this match up (because I don’t use demon flips at all :P), but now I want to take my Akuma to the next level
Oh, ok. Thanks for the info, and sorry about the post. I’m still new around here.
Anyone have any sweep setups that work on evil ryu? I was playing around today and sweep, df kick to stuff his dp and with mk version it’ll stuff lp, hp will wiff if sweep is real close, trade if it hits with the middle and win if sweep is far but his mp dp beats it clean no matter where you hit except real close will make it wiff.
I can use sweep, hk df kick which will make them all wiff unless it hits very far but if they don’t dp the df kick wiffs leaving me open to get thrown.
Ken’s mp dp is 4 frames so I get why it will beat sweep dfk setups but evil ryus is 3 frames so I don’t understand why it won’t at least trade.
EDIT: So after experimenting more, it looks like I was doing the df too soon. I was doing it immediately after the sweep recovered, if you wait a very small amount of time it’ll trade.