"Upscale" Movie theatres - Rarity or soon to be the standard?

I know the people who run Nitehawk Cinema. They know how to make it awesome to watch a movie.

LOL at that bed one. I’d be sleep in a heart beat. I guess thats nice for a group of like 5 friends, and youre all in a circle just watching the movie, but just me and my girl, id be sleep in no time, or id be trying to low key get a BJ, but im sure its super strict in there, which leads me to my next point.

I like just a nice normal theater because i can sneak my booze in (flask and miniatures), buy my coke if necessary, and mix my drinks in the dark or just straight up drink my flask. I feel like in a fancy movie theater, they gonna be hanging around too much, asking me for refils on my booze, and i wont be able to sneak sip my brought in shit without getting caught.

Its bad enough nice theaters walk up and down the isle every like 30 minutes or so to make sure no ones recording i guess. I couldnt imagine at a theater that takes itself too serious, and my old school boozing techniques dont work, so now i gotta spend whatever on the ticket, and 30-40 on good drinks to last me throughout the movie.

I’m fine with my local theater so far, although houston was dope because they sold alcohol, but not der anymore.

As long as its a nice theater, not in the hood somewhere, im good. I love my people, but black people be trippin during movies, and i know, i use to be an “intermediate level theater nigga”, but i knew when to be funny, and when to stfu. Now as ive gotten older, i need everyone to stfu. Its funny though, because while white folk aint on black peoples level, young white people be pissing me off all the time in the theater. Like damn, i came to the burbs theater to ensure it was quiet, now yall sniggling and instagramming the whole time.

I like the above, but eh, its too open for me, and looks uncomfortable short of having leg room and a table for your shit. I’m weird and kinda like the absolute darkness you get in a theater sometimes. Its crowded, its dark, not a lot of room, and your focus is the screen for the most part.

Just watch films at home.

Sometimes i wish for the day when digital releases become the norm, but i understand “they” have to be a part of the economy, and it would just destroy thousands of jobs for people. The joy of capitalism. Oh shit im ballin, now im trapped because if i do what makes sense, people are out of a job. Now i have to do stupid shit while maintaing a profit, because i dont want to just fire a shit ton of people. While it happens, and often, the give and take of capitalism is an interesting game.

“Touring” around the country i always grow more, and one of those parts of growth is in how people earn a living. Many people do not live in big booming cities with homeless people who can code a complex website in a day, and they need a lot of the simple shit to stick around, and keep growing. Honestly that trickles down to anything. I mean why go to a bar when you can brew at home. Why go out to eat when 99 percent of all of those recipes are in a book or online somewhere, and im sure its easier for your friends to meet you at your house then get to some crowded part of town, to a popular restaurant. Those are thick questions, with multiple answers, but im just saying i understand how this fucked up cycle works, and how i have to contribute to it, or else it crumbles and still affects me, but not in a nice way.

I’m sure even if it cost 300 dollars a year, people would pay for hd releases of movies on their theater drop dates, or even a month later, but it would destroy so many jobs, it wouldnt even be funny. Not just the ticket person at your local theater, but marketing cuts back, which trickles down to more and more people. Yaaay, capitalism. lol.

We have the Galaxy chain in Vegas and they’re all super nice. Tickets are usual price ($6-$10), reclining seats, alcohol, hot dogs (including one covered in chocolate lol), and a strict adheirance to no talking, cellphones or vaping. Honestly you dont realize how much the movie going experience hinges on so many factors aside from just staring at a large screen for 2 hours, until you go to an upscaled theatre.

Another luxury theatre just moved in to the Summerlin mall, not sure which company runs it but I’ve heard good things as well.

food in general shouldn’t even be allowed in any theater. thats the real “upscale”. I am here to watch a fucking movie and not have my dinner/lunch/breakfast. I can TOTALLY live without eating for 2 hours. Id pay extra just to NOT have any kind of food in there. no I don’t like the smell of hotdog and popcorn and whatever other shit people can’t stop eating in movie theaters. fuck off and die please khxbye :rage:

If you’re going to be worried about people’s jobs every time something new has the chance to come out we’ll never advance.

We got something like that here in the DMV. It’s called IPic Theaters. Figures it would be up in Rockville. White folks always have to have everything. LOL!!!


Y’know, that’s the first thing that came to my mind - how low key smash sessions have happened on those beds.

With chicks getting finger blasted in regular theaters and dudes eating butt in parking lots, these beds have at least been witness to dry humping.

Went to iPic two days ago to watch that Exodus movie. The chairs are nice, but eating/drinking and lying down in recliners detracts from the movie-watching experience, imo.

Also want to add - I’m not big on going to the movies. In the past 4 years or so, I’ve only been about once a year. In general, I only see the Marvel based movies in the theaters - everything else can wait until Netflix serves it up.

That being said, I’d like to try out these new, upscale theaters to see if it can get me to change me mind.

add strippers and I am sold.

I really don’t think they want your kind in an upscale theater to begin with. I doubt they would let you in.