Anyone have a nice paragraph on how to fight Akuma? This matchup makes me want to pull my hair out. He gives my entire TEAM the business - mostly Zero, though. The moment I actually manage to get in on him, he pushblocks me right back to where I started and then keeps me out/wrecks me some more. Even the really crappy ones that just H. Tatsu over and over again give me a hard time. Pushblocking doesn’t really help with that, either. And those damn beam hypers… augh.
Here is my 2 cents against sentinal it requires and assist to make it safe and comboable
If you are midrange and against sent you can punish pesky assist and sent with (assist i use task horizontal arrows) and i tiger knee the air dragon punch move that one that goes diagonally with the trail of lightning barely leaving the ground. This catches a lot of sentinals of guard along with the assist and it stuns also task holds them so zero can touch the ground and begin the assault. Wit sentinal being nerfed now this is probably gonna go into a 100% on Sent hopes this helps
If you’re getting push blocked, call assist in your string and then command dash, you can mix up which one you do since they all close good amounts of space. Shippuga also moves you forward a bit so it can be used to stay in range.
If he’s just spamming H tatsu, push block him before the last hit and whiff punish with st.B into combo. It’s not normally punishable on block but there’s plenty of time to do so with the right use of push block. If he’s spamming fireballs, level 3 buster or just Genmu Zero his ass if you have him low on health and get him out of there. I’m not sure about the beams since I haven’t fought anyone spamming those yet but you probably just have to block and deal with it, unless he did it point blank, in which case you can punish them.
Doom is good, but IMO jumping forward with footdive is too predictable. Good but predictable. It’s pretty much his only way of getting in. Doom is best as an anchor or assist. He runs away too well to ever be 1st or 2d. He needs a good assist to be really effective rushing down and he’s not getting that from Zero or Phoenix. IMO one player that has a Zero Ammy Phoenix team is DLM something on PSN. He’s ranked up high and pretty good. His Ammy though, works well with Zero, because Coldstar effectively locks people down allowing Zero free reign for a few moments. Doom beam assist is great, one of the best IMO, but I will say that Sentinel drones are still the best bet, followed by Cold star. That’s just me though. I see in your sig block that you have teams in this sort of style.
IMO Phoenix should be married to Wesker. He builds meter, does incredible damage and doesn’t really need it at all. He only needs a projectile assist to cover his ass and an assist to help him OTG combo. That makes him incredibly good at conserving meter.
To fight AKUMA:
Stay above him and you should have no problem. He can’t punish you if you are SJ’ed and if you aren’t in front of him he can’t beam super. Stay out of the firing range and you’ll be fine. Throwing buster shots shuts him down and he doesn’t have much other that running below you so you can smack him with j.h on the way down.
Best advise I can give because I haven’t go to the lab is save XF Lv.3 for the end and 3 meters so you can Genmu Zero anything on reaction, that would be a 1 shot-kill so she has to be way more careful than just throwing fireballs. But seriously, just snap Phoenix in and try to Rekkouha as she comes in to deal some heavy chip.
You can zone him out with fireballs and beam assists such as Magneto-a and Doom-a (or even Sentinel-a). You can also keep a lot of pressure to him because with assist such as Ammy-b or Chun-y (also Sentinel-a if called before) after Shippuga (6H, Forward H) because it leaves you at +4 frames so Hulk can’t do anything.
Foot dive isn’t good but 8 way air dash and mix up with forward or down forward air dash is really good for doom. He can dash cancel is grounded normals so he can always stay in and negate push block. j.B is an awesome move and in the air you can mix up j.B (2 hits) or j.BB (1 hit) and then go low to fuck with people. Also j.H > call assist is basically dooms get in for free button. Hadangeki for getting in from range and phoenix overdrive for locking them down in close should work fine for him to rush IMO.
IMO with all the teleporters, doom can’t keep out that well anymore. Not to mention his zoning options really don’t hurt like… at all.
But yeah I like Ammy and Dante on my main team for Zero. Coldstar is good for locking down and mixing up cross ups and instant overheads with Zero. Definitely one of the better rush down assists. For Dante, I like weasel shot. It’s better defensively, better as a crossover counter, easier to combo off of, and most importantly, doesn’t knock them out of range to attack them like the last hit of Jam session does.
Thor: Thor is super slow, stay out of his grab range when close and be ready to punish whiffed launchers. be wary of normals coming out after mighty smash and mighty strike. thor can damn near 100% zero from one launcher combo, and any dhc will do the trick. Thor’s mighty spark goes way over zeros head though, so he cant use it against you, leaving you free to throw hadengeki and charge shot a lot. LvL 3 will punish all of his supers after animation. Also be careful of Thor trying to stick out a launcher after a MS or MSM too, and after all his normals.
Captain America. Cap has a good jump in with his medium, beats a lot of zeros stuff clean. You can go air to air with him though, because most of your normals will demolish his. rush his ass down, but be careful of charging star it beats a lot of zeros air normals. over all zeros speed and priority as well as large hitbox on his sword make this fight pretty easy.
Hulk: Be very respectful of S.H it will kill you. be careful with teleport, as hulks S.H goes in a semi circle and can hit behind him. bait out that punch, use your assists for mix ups to make sure you are covered, but be careful of your assist getting S.H in the face. its pretty easy to keep him in block stun. but one mistake is death for Zero. Once you frustrate a hulk enough he will start whiffing shit, when that happens, you win.
Finally got to go to my local arcade here in Miami to play some casuals with REAL people :0
Well here some other match-up tips:
Like many people have said before, play solid. Don’t just rush him down like crazy, but fire lv.3 air busters to keep him controlled on the ground. Punish any unsafe move on the ground. The Sentinel I played against was pretty good and instead of just mashing the usual, he canceled his unsafe moves into fly and played a good air game. To this kind of players, your best bet is too stay away and zone. Sentinel has better zoning overall, but he can’t do anything about air busters. Try to cancel the busters into a lightning dive to see if you score a combo. If you manage to lock down Sentinel, he’s done if he doesn’t have X-Factor. I’ll say this is 6/4.
Unlike Sentinel, this is a hard match-up right now for me. Need to look for other ways to get better in this match-up, but the Dante I played seem to out range me. I found it was better to stay on his face, but it gets troublesome if he has something like Tron-b or Haggar-a assists. This is because Dante can actually zone Zero a bit, but Zero can’t zone Dante at all (atleast on the ground).
A battle of who gets the rush in to start any of Zero’s or Ammy’s positive on block offense. She can’t zone Zero that good to be honest, and if she switches to whip, just keep charging your buster and punish on reaction. Don’t try to punish her in between block-strings, but instead just pushblock her.
Very free. Horrible match-up for the mayor. Zero can just zone and run away from his as much as he want. Pipe has trouble hitting Zero because he is small, and because of it’s low startup you can dash to the other side and punish. One thing do, watch out when Haggar has X-Factor and Lv.3 because of the blockstun cancelling into lv.3. Hulk is a little harder of matchup, but it’s still pretty easy. Watch out for super armor normals and do whatever you want. Also watch out for his occasional quakes and Meteor supers.
Will go there again on Saturday, so I can post more matchup tips for people that want them :).
Oh! And some stuff I wanted to tell you guys about organizing this thread a bit better.
You can quote any bit of information about match-ups that you found useful and tell me too add it to the first posts so other people can see it later. In this way I am not the only one judging whether a post is useful to other people or not.
Also, you guys can talk on how to deal with powerful assists, like Sent Drones, Tron Gustaff Fire, Haggar Double Lariat, etc.
Does anyone have any advice for fighting Wesker? He seems to be my most problematic matchup these days (aside from heavy keepaway characters.) It’s rather difficult to keep him out, and up close, he rapes me. It seems like all of his moves have priority over Zero’s. I played a Wesker/Doom/Phoenix team earlier and, out of five games, I was only able to snap the bitch in ONCE - and even when I did, he had already built four bars with Wesker.
I play a Wesker player all the time and share the same sentiment. I’ve had some relative success fighting him by just simply paying attention to where he is on the screen and blocking. I couple that with some constant movement all over the place and try to catch him with standing H whether he takes it or blocks it. In the event of a block I start my mixup game and try to keep him from getting away. So far it’s been an uphill battle. Any other input would be a godsend. hehe
I find the easiest way to deal with Wesker is to bait him into the counter or gunshot and just blast him with the buster. Deepending on the range you can follow with a combo or level 3. I just make sure after I land a hit I kill him anyway I can since Wesker is usually the center point of any team with him in it.
Haven’t had many training on my local arcade here in Miami at MVC3, but I can share some of the little match-up experience I’ve had:
If you manage to corner him this fight becomes much easier. Constant pressure of H Command Dash + Doom-a/Sentinel-a/Akuma-b or whatever assist you use to keep pressure because he doesn’t have an easy way out the pressure. He’s zoning is solid, and you shouldn’t play zoning with him that much, you have better rushdown than him so use it well. Be very careful of 2 things though:
After a blocked Spider Swing, he might continue with an overhead so be wary. Also, be careful if he has a low-hitting assist because it might make thins difficult for you.
They sometimes delay the b.H on their block strings which acts kind of like a frame trap so be careful with that too.
So… how the hell do you fight Lv.3 X Factor Arthur? He locks your shit down to the point that you can’t even move. I tried desperately to Genmu Zero to no avail. Halp.
AUTHUR level 3 is a bitch the best advice i have for you is to clone and spam hadenki and busters to keep him in guard stun if u can hold him in place long enough and get him cornered u should be able to mix him up, i havent played too many but if i kno for sure they have authur at the 3 then i usually save about 2 meters and xfactor for zero that should be enough to hold you on until his xfactor runs dry