hey guys im having a little trouble with spencer/ akuma assist… my team is Zero/Doom plasma/ Vergil… do u guys think hidden missile is better for this match up. any advice will be greatfull.
also any help or advice vs nova i already know some stuff but more help will be great my main trouble is spencer right now
He should have trouble reaching you at super-jump height, just be wary of grapple since the hitbox on it is much larger than it looks so keep your approaches safe. Keep your distance while he has Akuma assist available, if you can snuff it out with buster (might want to back-dash first) then you don’t have to worry quite as much about his pressure if he gets in. Block low, react to overheads (Spencers sometimes do forward-dash into c.L to throw you off since it looks almost exactly the same as the overhead startup so learn the difference between them), any blocked overhead is a free throw (even if he cancels to Armor Breaker there is a 2-frame window where you can throw him so just mash it when you block the overhead). Genmu Zero has more invincibility and less recovery than Bionic Arm, but usually puts you too far away to capitalize from it so refrain from using it unless you’re also catching an assist or either Zero or Spencer is going to die; it’s not worth spending 3 meters just to do ~30% damage to one character if you have other safe options. If you have a read on when he is doing assist + jump horizontal zip you can try super jumping and doing M.Hienkyaku just above his path and punishing with Buster into Raikousen from the other side, but again only do this if you have a read on him because if he doesn’t jump he can just grapple you out of the dash and you lose Zero. You can zone him out pretty well with Hadangeki / Buster spam if you are more than 3/4 of the screen away depending on your assists (any closer and Bionic Arm will punish you for it).
The match isn’t bad for Zero (Zero has no bad matchups) but it’s a lot closer than many Spencer mains would have you believe. It’s in Zero’s favour but I still think it is one of Zero’s more difficult matchups.
source: I play Dangeresque (this guy: http://www.twitch.tv/torontotoptiers/b/399408064?t=5h47m37s ) all the damn time and his Spencer makes me hate this game.
Anyone have the frame data on Doom beam assist startup versus Zero’s start of round buster charge?
I’m about 90% sure you have time to charge a full shot and defend against immediate Doom beam assist call.
In the Wolvie start up, buster can beat Doom beam and assist can cover against wolvie. I have been playing with Rocket Raccoon spitfire assist and it seems perfect for the round start, assuming buster will always beat doom beam.
So you can record the dummy mashing assist, then kill all characters to have training mode restart just like a match would. Press the play button and have the dummy mash assist at the round start.
I confirmed that buster charges in time to snipe doom beam assist. So I think we have a solid start to the round against wolvie that isn’t widely tried. Jump back, then dash back M + Jam session, release buster to snipe the assist should catch all the wolvie pressure. Only thing might be an exceptionally well done plink dash s.L . Or a really exotic assist that happens to beat buster in time+ durability. Chris assist wins durability but not in time I think.
You guys might have some good advice for me and I could use the help:
I play Zero/Magneto/Vergil – predominately using some sort of beam in the neutral. I got bopped today in a tournament by a Firebrand team and a Wesker on point team. Both of those characters are able to hangout in the far top corner and I can’t get to them w/ lighting-buster cancels.
Firebrand player is really good and is one of 2-3 players in my local scene who can beat BT-Angelic in tournaments. He played it patient and when he got his opportunity to approach he used Firebrands good buttons and mixup to open me up. I’m not too concerned about Firebrand hanging out in the top corner because he couldn’t damage me back.
The bigger problem was the Wesker/Dante/Magneto player I faced. This guy is also solid but is in that tier of players I should aspire to be able to beat in the next few months. He would super jump away and pistol shot down, teleport down, cover himself w/ disruptor or jam session, and then super jump away and repeat. Eventually teleports in and covers himself w/ an assist, yadda yadda, but that’s okay because it puts him in range of my Zero mixup.
In the Wesker case, I couldn’t deal w/ the lame stuff. If I go to the air I can’t really hurt him. Buster shot from the air is constantly shooting the spot where Wesker used to be standing. If I do an air lightning it wouldn’t reach. On the ground, I may tag his assist w/ a buster or a counter call beam assist, but that gets myself shot in the head from his aerial pistol shot. Although I have one additional attack vector w/ the air lighting, it’s rendered pointless because I can’t reach him, and Wesker seems to win out this type of battle with the pistol being quicker and having the life/health advantage.
I did try to approach with teleports but on the ground I would get hit by a disruptor or a jam session. In the air I tried to move in w/ lighting-buster cancel into teleport. Using aerial teleport L is scary because Wesker is faster to the ground than Zero with his aerial-straight-to-the-ground teleport. Zero’s aerial teleport H seemed to be okay because I could get above him some times and come down w/ a pizza cutter.
TL;DR – I think after typing this all out, the answer would be to rush down as a general strategy, and tactically get there w/ lighting-buster cancel into teleport h to the the height advantage on a lame Wesker player? Any other advice or tips?
against wesker you need to hold buster to counter his assist calls. I do like to fight him from the ground. Wesker’s threat is his jump gun to cover assist, and his ability to wave dash and poke with c.M, which will sometimes be a command grab.
You do have to position yourself where a normal jump gunshot isn’t going to connect. He’ll be as afraid of you calling your assist and getting put in blockstun so keeping distance is fine.
You can poke by calling your mag beam and blocking.
If you can react with s.M to a forward dash that should limit his ground options, and if you are out of normal jump gun range you can react to what he does. any jump gun can be command dashed to move forward quickly and release buster to hit wesker and assist. If he calls assist early and obviously to cover himself you can dash back and release buster.
The fight comes down to knowing where jump gun and super jump gun are going to hit and keeping yourself out of normal jump gun’s spot.
When you are in range of normal jump gun you can use buster to counter it by using command dash M xx release. His assist though will counter you if you aren’t careful. One matchup trick you can do is bait him into jump gun when his assist is spent. If he goes for it and you are holding your charge that should be a bad situation. If you teleport you dodge the bullet and put a buster where he is landing. if he teleports you should at least be able to put pressure on with assist and get a mixup.
Don’t use Zero’s projectiles to poke full screen since he is waiting to super jump gun that. Use your assist(beam) and keep him moving backwards to the corner with your normals. When wesker tries to escape with super jump teleport let him, but be waiting on the ground for him. Normal dash is actually pretty fast at covering ground so you can use regular dash and avoid overcommitting in case he teleports back the way he came. S.H will hit him out of falling j.H/S and from there you get a mixup if he blocks.
Short version:
Wesker’s gun is tricky. You have to manage to keep him from wanting to run forward while avoiding where normal jump gun will hit. Do not overcommit to moves and super jump gun should be much less threatening.
Super jump gun specifically has a hole, even assisted, that you can normal jump and command dash M xx buster wesker if he command dash’s down. Jam session may force you to just take the avoidance and gain some space. Super jump gun is a punish when Zero commits to something at full screen. Focus on not being hit by that move and you will see you only get hit if you aren’t blocking at full screen. Normal jump gun will be the trickier to avoid but it can be done even when he’s assisted. You may need to guess sometimes though.
Vs Morrigan/Doom
I keep getting chipped to death, and when I finally get a hit, the hidden missiles keep ruing it for me. My only counter for it so far is Dante jam session. Any ideas?
it is a hard fight. honestly flux is probably the best zero to offer insight.
whenbi fight it i feel the best approach is to stay at a range where you can punish mistakes t8 kill morrigan. Then focus attention to hurt doom.
I’ll try