UPDATED! Find out TURBO - Ban cheaters from your friends list!

All too true. This one player who was using ken/ryu in sfa3 was using autofire and every time I hit him or finished a link I had to back away, because IMMEDIATELY after hit stun he is doing a super or kara-canceling into a special. He was getting more “reversal” messages standing up than he did from getting knocked down. You just didn’t know what move he was going to do. It was as if he was holding down his auto-button and repeating motions while he was being attacked.

If you didn’t combo this kid and one of your attacks didn’t link, you ate a super. That’s sfa3. Its 10x worse in ST.

good find

Bro, you lost, you can’t come up with a better excuse than someone was pressing the button very fast with turbo enabled? How much could a rapid press of a button really handicap an opponent? You know there are people (like myself) who can activate a turbo press after the 1st or 2nd attack, let’s say Jab with Blanka. I can usually activate electricity within 2 jabs. So , the problem is just that you are unskilled.

Maybe it is just me, I think I would love if someone had to use turbo to me, means they know I will fuck their ass up and they are scared so they have to turn that shit on. I am not trying to really diss you, but I hate when people whine about the simplest shit, but I do admit you are nice enough to release a video, though it won’t solve much problems. I rather have a lot of friends with half of them using turbo, than less friends (online.)

Stupid repost.

how bout, you dont even need to do all that anymore.
now ANYONE can find out who is using autofire / macros EASY!

just download this program:

read the readme and you’re all SET!

you guys all sound like you used to snitch on your younger brothers and sisters. pussies.

Anybody can mash out Blanka’s jab electric with maybe 2-3 mashes, even my nine year old nephew. We are talking about fierce punch electric off of reversals. In other words, someone hits you with a fireball and immediately from your hit stun you do a fierce electric w/reversal message.

chibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^^^^:slight_smile:

IT fails miserably! Compare loading the dipswitches!

SF Alpha 2

New vs Flávio Polaco - New using (Input watcher mostra apenas no máximo 9 por segundo)

Andreh vs Rafa_bh - Rafa_bh using (This one is 7 to 9, and then 14)

Miauuu-chan vs ShinLider - Miauuuu-chan using (this one shows only 4, and just in one moment, 12 - when getting out of sagat’s hold and custom)

Blazeu25 vs Godo - Godo using! (this one showed turbo: 12, then 19…)

This proves that, if you want to detect turbo with input watcher, you have to adjust the turbo settings to 9, instead of 17. But 9 inputs in a second is pretty possible.

me and hella others had no trouble at all finding turbo users just fine with that program.

caught Kelvinhbo and countless others whos names escape me at the moment using turbos.
I need to create a blacklist.

lol, I knew kelvinhbo was a turbo user ever since I played him in SFA2 and he would start Chun lightning legs in her CC off two low roundhouses which is pretty much impossible by human fingers. What a chump.

Just adjusting to 9 is not a good idea: lots of people will get it when mashing for holds or outta stun. As he says, it is easy to obtain. The program should be understood like this: if it says the guy uses turbo, he does. If it does not, nothing can be said. A 9 frame within a second when the inputs were thoroughly distributed among the interval means nothing, but a sudden result of 5 or more that happen within a minimal fraction of a second does. There is no technique that allows you to hit a button 5 or more times in a very fast succession, as in one press at a frame, a release the next one, and so on.

One should pay attention to how fast one can press a button while holding many others, and how fast one can mash 3P or 3K buttons. It is easy to catch Rog players cheating in ST this way, as well as Gief users cheating for lariat.

Overall, the program helps, but should not be seen as a definite tool. Also, I will suppose people will use it to check if others are not cheating and that it: you are cheating yourself if you inspect their commands and see, e.g., a Rog player preparing for a TAP after a poke so you know before hand he will add a TAP at the end of some poke sequence. Trying to have their hands in peripheral vision is quite different than having their whole commands on your screen, right beside the game window.

First of all, how the fuck are you judging his skill and attitude based on videos about inspecting turbo? That says nothing about his skill. Don’t create facts when trying to come with arguments.

As Sabre has said, turbo (and macros, I shall add) affects a lot of things in some games, it can even mean some error prone actions or strategies become safe, which is not how the game plays in reality. I could post a somewhat long list of aspects that change, which I have in a text in Portuguese, but I will wait until I have the whole document translated into English.

Electricity within 2 jabs means nothing. I can do it in one, probably, or a fierce during the recovery of a strong, if I concentrate. The tax needed for jab electricity is quite forgiving, it can’t be compared to a maximum rate turbo, not in the least.

If you get someone with InputWatcher, you can be sure that he is using turbo.

But if you don’t get with input input watcher, you cant tell he is not using it.

It can be a false negative.

And adjusting it to 9, as I said, is not a good idea, as 9 is pretty possible. 9 to 12 is ok.

I suspected Kelvinhbo of turbo but never called him out on it because i didn’t have any solid evidence lol… good shit…

GGPO can be very misleading when it comes to cheating. Sometimes the connection just seems to favor one player over the other. I’ve been playing online for long enough to have experienced that from both perspectives, and it’s hard to believe that the other person isn’t cheating when they’re doing shit that’s hard enough offline and you can barely get any moves off, but that’s just the way shit goes sometimes. I kinda feel bad for the other player when I’m the one with the advantage though.

Sometimes I wish I had turbo on my stick. Trying to do NORMAL Blanka’s electricity in HSF2 online is nearly impossible at times. Offline I can get fierce electricity out most of the time, but even the jab version can be hard online. Turbo would just make it too easy, though.

anyone still has input watcher? I want to download it, LyghtOuts showed up recently in GGPO