This type of questions should be posted the QuickQuestions/QuickAnswers thread for the sub-forum not be flooded with threads and if somebody has the same question, they can see past answered questions to help them.
1. You can see it looking at the official combo thread, it’s most people BnB right now. It is c.:l:>c.>c.:h:>Shippuga>s.:l:>s.>s.:h:>Shipugga>s.:l:>s.>s.:h:>Shipugga>:S:>SuperJump>j.>j.>j.:h:>j.:s:>land>Rekkouka
2. Against crouching Sentinel, use (normal jump) j. canceled into Setsuizan (green dive)
***3. ***In the corner, you can follow the Rainbow Hyper (Rekkouka) after a lv.3 Buster Shot.
What works for me is to land the Air S knocking the opponent to the ground (and you have to land within range, I’d say it reaches a 1/4 of the screen away) and you can buffer the input for the hyper on the way down and as soon as his feet land it activates and hits. Given the hit is somewhat delayed on start-up they still get combo’d into it. If it’s less than a second late, they wake-up and can block. It’s always most easy in the corner of course.
Mission Mode: Zero
Ok this will sound silly to some, but I can’t seem to get the [AIR S] at the end of Zero’s air combo in mission mode. It just seems like the [AIR H] knocks them to the ground before I can put in the last input.
What am I doing wrong with the timing?
Which mission?
The first air combo, I think Mission 4.
I was having the same issue with other missions. It all depends on when you start the combo during the launcher. If you start as soon as he leaves the ground, you have do the combo relatively quicker. If you start the combo when Zero is near or at the peak of his jump, you have to slow it down. I assume the combo is A.m-A.m-A.h-A-s right? So in the second case you need to make sure those two come out before the A.h. Double tapping works in this game and I had to do that on some of the trickier mission launchers.
Thanks, hopefully I’ll be able to give a shot tonight.
I got it (alhamdullilah) - doing the first medium on the way up worked. Thanks, very much appreciated.
I was gonna say that, or Zero’s Network Transmission design.
Although he looks kinda goofy in it.
I bet they’ll use the MMZ outfit, which would be not even close to as badass as Protoman.EXE is.
This. Sometimes I toss it up though if they’re walking at me attempting the same thing and just j.C.
Are you saying that Zero needs an OTG assist to get good damage, or that you need to know combos with him to get good damage? If you are saying the former, I disagree. His BnB does over half life and even if you are being lazy and want to shorten it you still get half life on most characters (abc6cd9 bbcd 236a+b). Using any assist that keeps them standing allows for extended ground combos and DHCing into something linkable will net an easy 800-1000 damage depending on the assist and DHC super.
If you were meaning the latter, of course you need to know combos to get good damage. That’s true for every character.
2a,2b,2c,6c a,b,c,6c a,b,c,6c,d,sj jb,jb,jc,jd,land,Rekkouka.
You basically use the 2c to pop them up a bit, and the 6c to go under them. The recovery is long enough for you to hit them with a jab (a) before they land, and do it again. It can be repeated three times before launch.
If you charge his buster doing this (have to roll it around) you can get two reps of the loop, into launch, into buster release loop before going into Rekkouka and you’ll get more damage.
It goes: 2a,(charge),2b,2c,6c a,b,c,6c,d,sj b,b,(release charge),623c,land, d,sj,b,b,c,d,land,Rekkouka.
Not hard with some practice.
How much more damage does that loop do with the charge shot included? Is it worth the hassle?
:qcf::uf::l:, j. is a relatively fast overhead that works even on characters like Ammy, V. Joe, and Arthur if you do it low enough. You can combo off of it as is, but tagging a j.:qcf::h: on it should up the damage, although you don’t get a lot of time to do that.
a great way to open is to walk right up to them then do a L tiger knee motion lightening dive. You will instanlty dodge any low attacks and hit them. if you do it low you will land in front of them. If you do it a bit higher you will cross them up
If you have any low-hitting assist, chase them down and try to instantly j.:h: while calling your low hitting assist to make an unblockable at the start. If they start running far from you, chase them down.
One trick also to take them to the corner is to backup yourself as much as you can and then try to back dash or back air dash until you are close to the corner. Then call assist and command dash and now the opponent is in the corner.
a lengthy assist like arthur’s daggers or sentinel force with a command tele (air or ground, but with air you can add the high low mixup too) usually nets me the combo right away.
and seems pretty intimidating to me.
It really depends on your assists.
I run Haggar on my team, so I go Sogenmu and swap out for Haggar very quickly. Rushing down Haggar just got that much harder.
A high and low attack must hit at the same time in order to create an unblockable and break their guard. Anything less than exact same time hits can be blocked, while it may be difficult to block attacks that hit close to the same time they def do not create an unblockable