UPDATED 1/15! Hot Shots Billiards Monthly SFIV tournament - Sac CA FEB TBA 2010



nelson part 2 imo.

i know dude…hes got the money.

but don miguel the taquito king…ill teach you a few Rog weaknesses just in case.

$500’s a bit rich for my blood, but I’m willing to do FT10 mirror matches for $100. I am deathly serious. Stipulations - Boxer will be the only character selectable to both you and I.

Let me know :smiley:

ive told him about you :wink:

Rom, he says 250

also jons buying a xbox tomorrow so ill be spending half the night unlocking all the characters on it then ill take it tomorrow with mine.

No more than $100, simple as that. I’m not budging on the monetary limit or conditions of the MM.

You had better be damn good…

he had no problem on the mirror match… just the amount of money. i dont think he will go down lower on the bet but hey maybe he down it to a 100.

I’m not willing to risk that much money. If he’s so confident, he’ll take the smaller bet anyway - free money is free money, right?I won’t take his challenge seriously otherwise.

Get back to me before the tournament.

250.00 nothing less. my time is valuable. btw why isn’t this thread sticky? the tourny is tomorrow. smh @ mods :bluu:

thankfully this is stickied now.

well, he wont go any lower, just come out to the tournament and break out your main don miguel. Keep Rog in the cage.

This kid must be from Los Angeles cuz he’s a Dodger.

imma call you dhalsim because you reaching

hi can i mm u for $250?

i suck at sf4 so it’s gonna be free for you :smiley:

I will buy half to 100% of this action if you need me to.

I will contribute $100 if needed.

lol keep it going guys, this is gertting entertaining

This is just some promotional stunt to get hype.

This is no stunt.

I only lose to the best Boxers. And you’re not thxyoutoo.

I’ve got $250 ready to bet, and might be willing to do $300. $250 for sure, though.

Put up or shut up. FT10 MM Boxer mirror matches tomorrow at the Hot Shots tournament. We’ll see if you’re serious about your bet then.

AWWWW SHIT! Someone get this on video please.