Wooo yes, his ‘true’ power come at the back… really nice A-Iori user.
I prefer the K-groove matches, all attacking style! :nunchuck:
not finish all yet… once again, thanks!
Wooo yes, his ‘true’ power come at the back… really nice A-Iori user.
I prefer the K-groove matches, all attacking style! :nunchuck:
not finish all yet… once again, thanks!
I am having trouble viewing the video. I get sound but no video.
Kim beats Sagat. W00t.
same, and i’m using windows media player because it won’t let me open it with another program.
and is last year’s one anywhere? i guess i missed that one.
cool video
except all the shit that gene and leezy contributed
yo, i love you too.
popoblo: you can get #1 at www.combovideos.com
edit: whoa damn, laugh you did a really good job on the editing. what happened to the MPC after the 2 psycho crushers on blanka?! =[ good shit though, you did a great job.
hey get on aim later on tonight too. we need to talk
haha pretty cool video.
good shit to laugh, gene, and leezy.
Cant view the video. I have sound. What gives?
Just downloaded ffdshow off download.com and still nothing. Tried winamp, wmp, creative media player, real player, divx
I think there was only one Leezy thing in there…but it was him owning up Kim’s Sagat, so that’s all that matters.
I got some free file converter thing that works…just use a search engine to find a program that converts avi files to wma files. You can pay, but there’s a lot of free ones.
use vlc player. it’s one of the best players around so it’s worth keeping.
Thanks buk that worked.
Laugh: I’m sick of rolento getting beat up.
Keith: Did you tell HAK about the Gerbil? DONT FORGET.
man, I can’t download it, it opens a window about Megaupload tool bar
ohayo1234: stop calling me HAK. you know my name ohayo. …
You’re Famous Ryan! you’re on combovideos.com!
Edit again: ohayo, keith says he sticks gerbils up your butthole?!..why?..
hmm… yeah we shouldve made the video 20 minutes long.
You should’ve included gerbils up Kim’s ass in the video…that would’ve been Keith’s contribution.
use Pandora to view? sorry I don’t know ^^