Make it clear any nationalism, trolling, etc will get you banned and/or you title revoked. They didn’t want to hold up their precious stream and still had the camera on him the whole time.
Last year there was lots of crying from the players, especially D1 (?), maybe they wanted to get away from that?
On another side, Ray Ray is a prick. Nice sportsmanship.
And WTF was Gamerbee’s woman doing onstage bawling like that? Who allowed that?
Since you didn’t answer it last time I’ll ask it again - Who gets to decide who doesn’t give a fuck and who does?
You make an awful lot of assumptions about an awful lot of people.
What about people who live in other countries but follow and play Marvel above everything else? Are you implying that they don’t care about the game?
Not going to Evo =/= Not giving a fuck about the game. To imply otherwise (If that was what you were implying) is beyond stupid.
I’ll address the rest of Viscant’s post later but I’ll quickly answer this: tournaments are there for the players who show up; everything else is secondary. I’ve been in the US for 15 years; I’ve never had a chance to go to Evo. I am of neither more importance or of higher priority as some random internet spectator than somebody who is there playing.
If we’re going to talk venue space, let’s talk about renting out a convention hall.
Do we need that much space? No, but we need something bigger than ballrooms. It wouldn’t even be an issue if the cost of just renting a convention hall wasn’t in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now we’re just bringing in 5-6K people in a ballroom area that just can’t handle the capacity. We should try and convince Wiz to open the purse strings a little and expand the size of the venue hall. Hell, even look outside of Las Vegas for it.
Yeah, the most natural next step is to move out of ballrooms. The problem is that will raise another ton of issues.
For starters, if you have it a the Vegas convention center you will have to deal with the union, and that’s always a pain in the butt.
The second and biggest problem is that when you rent a hotel ballroom, you also get stuff from the hotel like power strips and cleaning staff. Not in the convention center.
I’m sure the EVO staff will figure it out. We’re growing, and that’s good, but it means a lot more challenges for TOs.
Convention halls will give you power strips. I’ve done it dozens of times where I forgot to order one for an exhibit or one fried and either they or a third-party company just gave us strips. And when you rent a convention center as far as I know they have their own cleaning company. There’s a reason why they’re expensive as fuck.
The unions are a problem, especially in Nevada. Fuckers won’t even let me carry in a TV. It’s goddamn ridiculous. Florida is a right to carry state so they don’t give a flying fuck about unions.
That opinion isn’t set in stone. If they want to keep games that bring thousands of people in separate communities they will evolve to keep EVO going or start cutting out games. The Cannons don’t even deal with the logistics anymore, as far as I can tell. That’s all Wiz.
Last year they also took a vote to see if people wanted to spread the tournament to 4 days but we as a community said no because we’re all bums and representing poverty to the fucking fullest. Now that some of you are getting your $15 an hour to serve a burger maybe you’ll be less tight-assed about spending just a few extra hundred bucks.
I don’t think anybody was accounting for adding an entirely different community to Evo and expecting things to still work out. Most of the complaints here are indirectly about having 2 smash games. Its bad enough that had one of the most amazing displays of skills across a bunch of games and the one thing that IGN dude writes about is how smash and the rest of the scene don’t seem to get along.
Guess were gonna have to move to 4 days and one of them is gonna have to be dedicated smash day.
I will happily accept that neither you nor I are more important than somebody who is playing.
However you didn’t answer the first thing I asked.
You’re the one who said it in the first place so it’s not like I’m asking you to defend something you’re unaware of.
At this point it’s going to seem like I’m being a dick to you but that’s not the intent. I still want to know what you meant by it but I get the feeling you won’t answer. That’s fine but you must see that you are paint up to 177K people as people who don’t give a fuck because… “Reasons”?
I get what you’re asking now. Look this is a community of players. Most people watching streams are not members of scenes. They don’t play or contribute meaningfully to to any of the places. How the hell does MvC3 have so many views and declining attendance? What the community needs is players. Its ultimately always been about that and should continue being about that. While I’m sure there were actual members that got dicked over (you and me are a good example), acting like those stream viewers are all people who legitimately care enough to join and play is immature.
We’re gonna get all bent out of shape over people who maybe show up to a weekly once, decide its too hard and quit? Fuck out of here with that. Streaming ain’t doing shit for MvC3; it lost 200 players in one year.
Been following evo for a few years now, it was amazing to me how much marvel dropped in exposure for the tournament. I personally dont like the game, but it does have its following.
I have a few theories for why marvel is getting the cold shoulder.
Capcom no longer wants to promote it- if you guys read the article on IGN detailing the smashbros vs traditional fighter problems at EVO you will see capcom does not appear happy about the amount of spots smash is taking up (and i agree with that dislike, melee looks old and plays old no breakthroughs in gameplay for years just the same guys replaying each other fox vs maybe hungry box with jiggly).
Capcom seems to be hinting that they want street fighter 4 and 5 to have spots (why discard the 4 community so quickly)
That means axing one of their own? Marvel would be it.
Capcom wants to stick it to Disney - Disney owns marvel, lets face it versus Marvel will never return again…the series is dying out and it doesnt look like they will be allowed to use the marvel license again without SIGNIFICANT concessions to disney. Capcom has essentially lost the versus series. Until they find another brand to run capcom against its going to be (maybe Street Fighter v Capcom could work, or my dream Capcom v Nintendo)
Evo doesnt think the game is appealing to viewers…lets face it the game is chaos if you arent too familiar withit, half the characters are floating above the other character is just an arrow dodging below, its hard to follow who is doing what.
do I play fighting games? yes. Do i play well? not really but they are my favorite genre (hence why I am here)
This topic caught my Eye because I feel like marvel v capcom has alot more going on than just the fighting game community especially with Disney trying like hell to reel in the Marvel License (are you ready for universal studios Islands of Adventure…Nintendo branding?)
Uh…what are you guys talking about? EVO is a three day event. Due to the sheer number of players joining each game, it’s impossible that they find a way to stream EVERY single game. Yes, there were some matches that would have been great to capture on stream but you have 7 other games that need stream time as well. Am I disappointed that I missed Flux destroying F.Champ? Absolutely, but what can you do? How exactly do you dedicate several streams to various players in DIFFERENT pools? That just doesn’t sound feasible at all.
The real tragedy is that KaneblueRiver didn’t get a chance to speak. What he had to say in regards to Marvel being everyone’s game would have done a good attempt at unifying everyone who seems to play sides in the Marvel debate. But no, we get people saying “Marvel is dead!” or bullshit like “Hulk/Haggar/Sentinel just won an EVO. I wanna throw up”, and etc, etc. You know who you are.
Evo is not a capcom event this is true, but the people who run evo like one thing more than fighting games, thats cash. Evo must work well with its major partners and supporters, including Capcom, nintendo, NRS, Arc, etc.