UMvC3 was handled atrociously this year

i’m blind and i find this offensive

There are the odd bad egg, but that stuff follows people around. They want to turn themselves into a character, they’ll be judged as one and they’ll eventually realize their mistake. All sports have heroes and villains, I don’t think the solution to some shit players is to put up padded walls around everything so that no ones fragile sensibilities get hurt. Let them blow up, deal with it maturely and the real story isn’t their blow up, it’s how well the community handled a scumbag that wants to take a piss on everyone else.

Again though, they’re the minority, most players are decent, if they were not nobody would want to be a part of the community. People like that don’t need a mic if they somehow win to leave a stain either, there needs to be a better solution than childproofing the FGCs biggest crowning moment at the expense of others.

I think they should have allowed players to each choose one legit weapon to use against their opponent, to make it more exciting. I’ve only played him a handful of times, but I think Justin Wong would be hard to play when he is using Zero with 5 bars, and is wielding nunchucks in real life against me. Especially because I would be stupid and bring a hockey stick. But I can’t barrel roll like him :frowning:

I can’t take anyone claiming that this doesn’t happen every year seriously. The only reason you noticed this year was because it involved people you cared about. This happens every year.

It does not happen on this level every year, hence the outrage. It happened somewhat close to this level last year, which makes this year even MORE indefensible. No, this was not the average run of the mill “some great matches happened off stream”. To pretend that it was betrays such gross willful ignorance that I can only laugh and shake my head.

Yeah, I’ve probably never been to Evo and probably have no sense of history here, and probably further never started filming in the first place to solve this exact problem. Probably no other matches at Evo have ever been this epic or great as those. Many of which were recorded by the excellent MrBGuy as seen here:

However, that’s all water under the bridge.

Howdy! I’m Preppy. I’m a random dude who likes helping tournaments run smoothly and filming things. If you’re interested in being part of a film crew I might be putting together for Evo2k16, lemme know. Or if you just think you have God’s Divine Opinion on streamable matches and matches that should be recorded, come be a whisperer in my ear and we’ll see what we can do there. Let’s proactively solve the problems here. Evo is a monstrosity, and it’s going to have rough and super-rough edges. Let’s all work together to make things better. Figuring out ways we can record all “key” matches, for example, shouldn’t be too hard.

Recording matches is not the answer. This is 2015. We are beyond that. This is about streaming a live event. What happened this year was indefensible. It was a complete failure on the part of the people running the Marvel brackets, the streamers, and the TO leadership. Only a public outcry can hope to change things.

Great. We have an outcry. How do we solve that? Consider that generally everybody on the Evo team is stretched as thin as possible. Dogpiling more work on top of them doesn’t seem awesome for them, and I frankly think they’ll gleefully ignore you. I’m grateful for what we do have, for what people can do (thanks MrBGuy!), rather then bemoaning that they didn’t broadcast (generally necessarily a secondary interest of theirs behind “getting the fucking tournament run”) that hype match betwixt Mr Snickles and Battlecat.

Anyways. Sure. You want to have an Outcry, I want to look into a filming team for next year. Let’s get back together after Evo2k16 and see who was more productive here. I’m outta this thread before I drown in “let’s have other people do things they don’t want to do and/or don’t have time to do”-ness. Peace.

PS: And please continue to know that I think anybody claiming that previous Evos didn’t have incredibly awesome matches not filmed is batshit insane. Evo is a weekend of championship caliber games on an incredible amount of game stations. You have a tiny sippy cup of excellence from that and that’s glorious, but – it’s a fucking ocean of awesome and I agree that it’d be tight to see more of it. Let’s make that happen in a way that actually makes things happen - like you and I being there filming stuff ourselves - rather than pretending that being a dick on the internet by creating an “outcry” does anything positive.

<3 I’m jelly of everybody who was able to make it this year. <3

If KBR wanted a mic and was denied by Wiz, could he just run off to the stream mic and do his speech there?

Marvel was run very poorly and I’m glad someone brought this up. Players I had never heard of were on the stream while Justin Wong was being eliminated by Chris G off stream. I know it must be difficult to run a tournament of this size but you need to step up to the challenge.

Why? Have someone new on stream and let em show you their stuff

I’ve seen Justin and Chris G on stream numerous times

I thought Marvel was boring, grand finals, i couldn’t even get through them, this year SF4 was about all i liked, Melee was okay.

Last year Daigo was eliminated off stream. He had a match up with John Choi that didn’t happen on stream over Sako vs Marq Teddy. Then Daigo vs Filipino champ also happened off stream. Understand that there are a lot of good players playing good players. On the other hand we got to see Kane beat Wong, Valle beat bonchan and other random shit.

If you want to see the matches in real time, show up to Evo. If you just want things recorded for posterity, get together with a crew of people and work out how to cover all the important match ups. Evo is still a tournament, they aren’t going to freeze things for the viewing pleasure of people.

Sure that sucks, but the tournament running properly should always come first to the stream.

You’re never going to see every hype match on stream without Evo becoming a 5 or more day event, and people flipped their shit when Wiz put up a poll to expand the days. While there were a couple more streams and therefore stream stations this year than previous years, the lines of people waiting to play on those are typically quite long, and will delay the entire tournament. Pools will start late, so people who have no business being on stream will be sent up to fill air space, then the people who should be on stream show, and get sent up. It’s a mess, and it’s always going to be a mess.

Main Hall never should have been sold as exclusive badges though, I called that shit the moment they went on sale, the hall is never above 2/3rds capacity. Event security and Evo staff simply need to actually be in communication with each other on whether or not there is capacity in the hall at any given moment someone is looking for admittance. Otherwise, you may as well sell assigned seating.

Post match interviews should be a thing, but that’s journalists and streamers, not on the event staff.

Literally no one has said this. We have gone through pains to say the OPPOSITE. You are fighting a straw man. Literally every reply of mine in this thread has included the fact that “Of course there are awesome hype matches that happen off stream at every EVO.” - THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE.

Preppy, I think this guy has been to a few Evo’s:

Were 3 of the 8 matches to get into top 8 held off stream last year?

If you wanted to see the Super Bowl, you should’ve bought tickets and flown there!

OF COURSE they already do freeze things for viewing pleasure. OF COURSE they should freeze things for viewing pleasure. There’s a reason that halftime is 20 minutes longer at the Super Bowl. I can’t recall ever being to a weekly tournament, least of all a Major where the participants did not start the match until they got the ok from the streamer.

Sure, sorry for misrepresenting your position. I was confusing you with this guy:

Let’s knock off the exceptionalism here. All sorts of matches were heroic awesome matches for the people involved, and the matches you’re not expecting to be hype turn out to be awesome. Talk with the stream guy(s) about maybe moving that key match you know of to the stream. Generally bear in mind that the schedule is absolutely fucked, so it might not be possible. But people listen.

I wasn’t there, I trust Clock. Sounds like some fine smart individuals should volunteer to help out next year. I’ll be back helping out. If you’re awesome, help out too. If you’re there and think the person running it is having problems, help them be better.

Evo historically doesn’t have time to and cannot be frozen. Please refer to Evo 2002, where the finals were best of 1 because they simply ran out of time.

Evo has been us and is us. It’s about us and it’s run by us. If you want it to be better, make it better. That’s what I do almost every year. Be the change you want to see. Be that awesome TO. Applications are open every year: apply, make good shit happen.

That reason alone is more than enough. If you watched the MKX tournament on ESL they let players talk but only in videos that were recorded in advance, means they were approved to be “clean” and suitable for viewing.

I don’t think anyone can deny that Marvel got the short end of the stick but I want people to be careful about placing blame. A lot of the problems weren’t malicious at all, just caused by the logistics of the Evo hall.

Also I’ll point out that it wasn’t just Marvel, probably the single biggest logistic problem was SF4 quarterfinals going on during Persona grand finals. I was in SF4 quarters along with a couple hundred other people (~140 pools X 2 = ~280 people). All these people were crammed around 8 pool setups which were all right next to each other. So you have ~300 players + their coaches/friends/bracket runners/camera crews/people who just wanted to watch some great SF matches meaning we had a conservative estimate of ~800 people in an area reasonably designed to hold 100-200 or so. Combine this with Persona grand finals going on at the same time and people crowded around this same general area and not only did you have large groups of people standing around in too small a space, you had large groups of people standing shoulder to shoulder FACING DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS in this space. Anyone who’s done crowd control knows what a nightmare this is. After I got eliminated from SF4 quarters it literally took me like 4-5 minutes to get out. People on all sides of me flat out COULD NOT move in any direction.

I only point this out in a discussion about the Marvel tournament to point out that the biggest problem Evo had this year was way too many people in way too small a space.

Because at least the SF/Persona thing happened in the main hall. Everything in the Marvel tournament that wasn’t top 8 was in the same hall as the exhibition hall. The stage area for srkevo2 was in the corner and was too close to srkevo6 (which is why the 4-6pm block of Marvel pools was pulled from the stream; with Smash top 32 going on it was not logistically reasonable for the stream to go on, there were just too many people jammed around the srkevo2 setup. I was scheduled to do commentary for the 4-6 Marvel and I literally COULD NOT get to srkevo6, just too many Smash people).

And ultimately I think this was the biggest problem with the srkevo2 and srkevo3 streams during the quarters and semis. Because there were too many people crammed around trying to watch and trying to play, we couldn’t get matches. It would take the bracket runner 10 minutes at times just to go from the offstream Marvel area to each separate stream. People were working hard but streams would be without matches just because the hall made communication so difficult. A couple of players who were patiently waiting for their match to go on stream were almost DQ’d because they’d been sent to stream and forgotten about. Players were pulled back from stream when we didn’t have another stream match because they’d been told to report back. Stuff like that that really isn’t anyone’s fault just poor logistics and bad communication.

And while I’m not blaming anyone for this I think some of the people handling Marvel didn’t have a familiarity with with game rules and players and the tournament suffered. I have heard (and have 0 doubt on the truthfulness of this) that players were given incorrect instructions on DLC being legal, i.e. a Shuma player forced to play on a setup that didn’t have DLC. Super interesting matches (as already mentioned) weren’t prioritized to go on stream because they thought time had become a factor and the line at stream was too long (even as one stream had no matches), even though we should have put matches involving combinations of Justin/Champ/Chris/Clock on stream no matter what the time cost.

So I agree basically 100% with Clockw0rk. It was a great Marvel tournament with amazing, hype matches going on but organization wise, logistics wise and stream wise we could have done a lot better. I hope we get the chance to do it better in 2016.

Also one thing to mention about not giving KBR the mic, that’s just how Evo does it. I asked for the mic in 2011 and was denied (I think people thought I was joking about this when I tweeted about it but I really did want the mic). Others have asked as well and been denied. It’s not that denying Kane was done to set a precedent, it’s just following an already established Evo precedent. Even if I disagree with the precedent and think Kane absolutely should have been allowed to speak, many others before him had been denied before.

–Jay Snyder