Thank you for posting this! This makes double salting SO much easier. I can’t believe I did not know this.
No problem I hope it aids you bro. Canceling the first one on hit can lead to Feral Crouch M combos, or another Somersault attempt, or whatever lol.
For sure except I’m having a crisis, I think I’ll be splitting my main team into two shells (is that what they call it now) Dante Deadpool xxx and Dante Jill yyy and play the matchup I like.
Alright, well I’m rooting for ya! :tup:
Thank you sir. Also since I just realized u use Dante I would suggest against the opposing wake up, 2M+Weasel shot, H, Feral Crouch, then do w/e u want.
YES! I co-sign this. The best assist that Dante can present to Jill is ‘Weasel Shot’, since ‘Crystal’ is too slow, and ‘Jam Session’'s hitbox is nowhere near where Jill should be. The only use for ‘Jam Session’ imo, is to get fancy off of a corner air combo with Jill.
EDIT: I like how we just used this place to discuss contemporary Jill issues instead of incoming mix-ups. XD oops.
U can pretty much make everything feel like an incoming mixup off the ground bounce imo. Also yeah I just got back from TRB and will use Jill all the way at evo. I went for a counter team and failed and did soo much better with Jill. Can’t stop won’t stop.
To speak at least a little lol to incoming mixups, even though I don’t normally use Jam Session, I had something with it where you FC, and L+assist. I think most ppl know but the FC+L allows you to call assists, so you can do it, call dante, then 22+s really fast and dash under for a cross up jam session, which is similar to what Wolvie does with Dante.
Basically it’s 22S, L+A1_A2, 22S 4. Then combo if it hits (not great dmg honestly) or go for another mixup.
If I had ammy’s assist I would either wait for them to touch the ground then do Position change(Timing is really strict) or do what the others are saying. “Somersault, Feraldash behind” Or if you want a solo mixup just camp near the incoming corner and throw out a 22s->B it crosses up from behind and you can convert it into a full BNB.
If you have any video, please share! =)
I will try. trb is a tough place to spread ur wings. by the 3rd round winners u are generally playing someone really good. They don’t stream the losers side that early =[ It’s too bad because people have seen me use mad beast and what not off stream and it’s always like o.o Gotta level up.