UMK3 TE stick mod

Oooh that’s awesome. I’ll get one too in a couple of weeks, except instead of using the UMK3 preset I’m gonna keep the buttons as close as they are already on the TE stick.

I just wanted to share my Tekken 5 stick Modded for UMK3. Cheaper alternative to gutting a TE stick. I used panel builder from Tek-innovations. Drilled some holes in the back with a 1 3/16 inch holesaw for the start select and guide buttons.

very awesome. get a bat top! but awesome! :stuck_out_tongue:

can the button layout be changed for Mk on the XBL version?

Konqrr ^^

Just order a TE stick with the NECXI promo code and got two for the price of one! UMK3 panel in the mail! Converting to stick should be a big improvement of my overall game.