Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

Does anyone know the notation for the combo that Knives does here at about 2:56: [media=youtube]aID_SKcRfTw[/media]

And is that sentinel only, or universal?

I’m not sure if it works on the midgets, but if you hit with crH diagonal Zipline will hit most characters.

:eek: The notation is fairly easy, it’s just diagonal zipline after the c.:h:, falling j.:m:, then jump loop.

The cool thing about this particular combo is if you don’t think the falling j.:m: will connect (the hardest part of the combo), you can substitute falling j.:l: and readjust the jump loop accordingly. I think you can only max out at two jump loops either way, though. Can’t remember right now for some reason.

hey guys again! After watching Combofiend vs Chris G matches, decided to play around with the synergy between nova and spencer. Must say they work damn well together! Some combos include mid-combo tag into spencer, while some are “meter-wasting” Bionic Manv DHC-ing into Nova extended combos.

I’ve been practicing for a while but I can’t get the j.:m: slight delay j.:df::s:+:atk:, slight delay j.::h: part consistently for the midscreen combos. I was wondering if anyone had any alternatives for getting people into the corner from a little further than midscreen without using a wallbounce (since I like using 2 supers for combos sometimes).


Haven’t made a combo vid in awhile, but yeah. Not really anything new in terms of Spencer tech.

Very cool, me likey :tup:.

I’ll definitely have to study some of those combos for my Spencer/Chris set up. since Mine assist in combos have become useless to me with the combos I had for it not working anymore from vanilla to ultimate, and even the ultimate one I had got messed with for some reason.

:eek: Glad to see more Spencer/Chris and Spencer/Haggar.

Guys need to pick up a team with all three! That combo has been the hotness since vanilla nahhh meeeean?


just some simple combos with my nee team. playdd the team hesvily in vanilla but dropped it when ultimate came out. messing around with it now cuz synergy is too good. about my combo at :48 is there anyway i can optimize this combo whether it be the captain america portion or the spencer portion? Like idk call doom missiles right before bionic lsncer and maybe catch a vertical grapple? The combo does lame damage but i like the way it looks.

Also, my first combo at 10 seconds i have to end eith lancer cuz if i try bionic manuevers my opponent flips out. is there a positioning or timing thing that i need to do or is lancer my only option? Also, have i optimized tuat combo well?

Regarding the combo at 00:10, there are few things you can change.
Firstly, spencer is very position dependent. But specifically for corner combo, what you can do is:
magic series -> launch, then in air you should go for j. :h: , df zip, j. :h:, land, :h: grapple ~ :l: follow up, TK bionic bomber, :m: ,:h: , ( :s:, character dependent), :h: grapple ~ :l: followup, dash back, TK :m: grapple (make sure this grapple is a SJ TK), j :s: , f zip, df zip, :s: XX :h: grapple ~ :l: followup, call doom, :h: grapple ~ :l: followup, (2nd volley hits), :s: XX :h: grapple ~ :l: followup XX (peircer, character dependent) XX maneuvers

This should be most optimal. If you don’t wanna bother with the weird air series in the beginning, just do j. :m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s: , and do the bomber before you hit the ground and continue the combo as listed.

For the combo at 00:48, instead of doing peircer, can you do :l: grapple ~ :l: follow up? If you can, I’m sure you can find a number of things you can do after that.
If not, then the only way I can think of extending that would be on the captain america side, and that I leave to you lol.


Heres a short video of spencer combos I came up with recently. They involve high damage without the use of any assists. Enjoy!

Here’s a BnB i jsut figured out for my team. nothing too complicated but for a guy with two left hands this is pretty difficult.

Basically just took a video i saw and just replaced assist with captain america. could only emulate it with shield slash, other assists didn’t work, and using shield slash in combo had too much hit stun occurence or something


Looking for the most reliable BnB that has good damage output. So many options out there I am not sure what is the MOST useful option for a Spencer BnB.

:eek: The best option is probably one that does the most damage while taking your opponent as close to the corner as possible.

That said, your options are probably screen dependent and almost definitely character dependent.

What I would suggest is to use Stark’s awesome create-a-combo in the OP to pick various parts of Spencer’s combos and piece them together for BnBs that you can use on the fly wherever you are on the screen and can change depending on your position and matchup.

I have a general question about a tactic.

Typically, After my initial air magic series in the corner, I do sj qcf+H, then falling S, land, j M,H,S diagonal zip down forward.
FRom here i typically go into S superjump cancel qcf+H,L

I see a lot of people do falling S, forward zip, diagonal df zip, and then go straight into qcf+H,L without using a standing S. Is this a character specific thing? I understand that the ziplines don’t cause hitstun, but how do you determine if the S before the vertical zipline is necessary?

The reason people do this is for consistency, you usually go for this when you are pretty late in the combo, after several otgs. The S before the vertical zipline is never necessary, but adds more damage against most of the cast. People choose to omit the S because opponents will pop out if its late in combo, so omitting it will guarantee the vertical grapple.

On a side note, your series after the sj qcf+h, you can optimize that by doing falling S, land, j. M, j. H, j. S, forward zip, j.S, diagonal df zip, land, S sjc qcf+H. Or omit the j. M depending on how long your combo after words is for better scaling.

if i wanted to keep it simple and universal could i just change it to fallin S, forward zip, df zip, qcf+H,L?

Been messing with a lot of teams and variations and want to keep my shit as basic and universal as possible.


Hey everyone, just made a new combo movie featuring spencer and some of his “friends” i normally use with D.D’s hidden missile. Pretty sure you all have seen somesort of variation somewhere before. Hope you enjoy this video cheers everyone :slight_smile:

Yea, that series is most reliable but least amount of damage. As a side note, pretty sure that will always work with pretty much any hitstun deterioration and least affected by scaling, so I would suggest you do this at the end of your combos for best results.