"Uggh...Is there ANYTHING good on TV?" Ibuki Video Thread *Xian FR20 Videos*

Starting to see a little of “SF4” in Sako’s SFV Ibuki.


He’s looking a lot more optimized with his combos and frame traps now. Using more s.MK too which is good.

You’ve stated in the General Discussion that you can’t see Sako using Ibuki past Pools at EVO. With this new video, have you change your outlook?

I personally think that Sako will use Ibuki at Top 32 & beyond(if he gets that far).

Reasoning being? Its his playstyle, Ibuki compliments it very well. Obviously he has Chun-li but if the opportunity presents itself I feel like he would use Ibuki

It’s still just too short of a time frame. Even PR Rog will most likely switch back to Necalli during Evo if the pressure starts getting to him. There’s just a level of comfort you can get with a character you’ve been playing for months over one you only have gotten like a week in. Plus SF isn’t like an NRS or anime game where the neutral is so chaotic that you can just burn through a tournament purely on tricks and setups that people aren’t used to.

Especially with 5,000 people entering there’s no guarantee Sako will even make top 32 whether he uses Chun or Ibuki. Expect a lot of killers to get their lights blown out early. If he does make top 32 the odds are he’ll have a better shot with a character that has a more straightforward neutral game and doesn’t have to counter poke as often. Which means Chun would be better suited for that.

The new video still doesn’t prove that he’ll play that way with Ibuki against the best of the best of Japan and US who don’t always play online all the time. If he runs into an issue in the first match vs a top player of an older character, that may be just enough to get him to go back to Chun Li to have a more secure matchup.

Xian and high level Japan SFIV Ibuki EX Pugera with some footage.




Made a video of what she could do after st.mk TC confirm.


This guy has a pretty consistent kunai setup

I’ve tested his kunai setup and I couldn’t get it to crossup. I’ve watched the replays with inputs on too. Daigo was trying to block crossup and other time, he was mashing a DP motion. Interesting nonetheless.

Daigo woke up with DP > super in second round of second fight. I thought only dumb ryus used that tactic lol

Also the crossup setup after the TC sweep is godlike! will be stealing that.

Daigo and Tokido were talking about using DP to super more often since it’s a high reward reversal option without the crush counter risk.

Hi all, somewhat new to Ibuki, moving over from Rog. She seems really cool and has a potentially high ceiling. These aren’t the best matches, but I think I can see why V-Skill and the S.mk TC are so good for her. Here are some of my Casual matches.


@KingHippo42 Good to see you playing Ibuki. Remember you from Marvel forums.

Looking alright so far. You have good patience and not afraid to block which is always a good sign.

Just gotta make sure you got your meaties after raida and sweep target down. You can definitely be a bit more aggressive too especially in that first match vs the Cammy player. They were leaving a lot of gaps and general emptiness in their pressure where you could have walked forward with s.LP or s.MP and start fishing for combos into raida or counter hits into s.MK. Your walk speed is even faster than hers so don’t be afraid to walk up and start pressure once you know they’re creating gaps for you.

Thanks! I’ve been ghosting for years and if one thing has been pretty consistent, your theories usually pan out (SFIV Viper, D. Strange, Vergil, MvC3 Viper, Chun, etc.). I think I may be in for the long haul, barring y’know, Guy or something.

Yeah as far as meaties I haven’t done as much browsing as I should have, but I’m pretty sure s.lp and s.mp are guaranteed after lp Raida, yeah? I’ll have to tighten that one up. Aggression usually comes second for me since I tend to do a lot of feeling out in blockstun, but yeah I can see in my head where her offensive game lies with buffers into EX Kunai and Air EX Kunai for sure being very easy ins. I forget how fast she and her s.lp are in general, and they lead to so much on CH that it’s probably worth pushing forward and pressing it. I do it a lot on wakeup already, so might as well start doing it during untight blockstrings.

A good video discussing the theory for the usage of bomb set ups and applications.


Edit: Prob doesn’t belong here.

wow! This guy sure can use V-Skill :slight_smile: got me inspired to try it abit more I often find myself not using it.

Ibuki is definitely a good character for Mani. He likes them mobile ninja type characters. He won KI at Evo with Sadira a couple years back.

Oh and brrr brrp.


Ugh what a loser. It baffles me that a decorated tournament player would actually care about his online rank.

Near the end you did slide under that fireball at the perfect distance. Woulda been sick if you had combo’d into st.LP xx EX Raida for the kill.

Yeah fuck him